NAIROBI – Africa can harness community care, traditional health, exercise and digital tools to treat dementia as its population ages, according to experts on the second day of Nature’s “Future of Dementia in Africa” conference,. The conference, the first of its kind in Africa, was presented in conjunction with the Davos Alzheimer’s Collaborative and Aga […] Continue reading ->
NAIROBI, Kenya – Dementia is rapidly becoming a significant public health concern across the globe, with projections estimating 150 million people will be affected by 2050. “Dementia is a health, financial and social problem of almost unimaginable proportions,” said George Vradenburg, founding chairman of the board of the Davos Alzheimer’s Collaborative (DAC). “It may prove […] Continue reading ->
Hong Kong and London topped the list of 50 cities ranked for their efforts to prevent and address cardiovascular diseases – while Kathmandu and Cairo languished at the bottom. The City Heartbeat Index is a first-of-its-kind initiative of the World Heart Federation (WHF), a Geneva-based non-profit that works on cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention. CVD is […] Continue reading ->
Africa has the highest rate of suicide in the world, and the lowest per capita spending on mental health – with critical shortages, in particular, of community health workers and facilities that could help prevent many mental health conditions from becoming even more severe.  Two recent high-profile suicides in Tanzania have cast a stark spotlight […] Continue reading ->
Humans are ingesting and inhaling more microplastics than at any time in recorded history, a Cornell University study revealed. The research shows microplastic consumption has risen sixfold globally since 1990, with Asian, African, and American countries all experiencing increases. People in China and the United States are among those consuming record levels of tiny plastic […] Continue reading ->
Fifteen-year-old Mathias Ofoke is one of four children in his family born with type 1 diabetes. Whenever his symptoms worsened, he was taken to the nearest primary healthcare (PHC) center where he was repeatedly treated for malaria.  It wasn’t until February, when a non-governmental organization (NGO), Abby Cares Foundation, organized a clinical outreach at Ezza […] Continue reading ->