Nearly half of the world’s population suffers from some form of neurological condition ranging from simple migraines to Alzheimers. And yet in low-income countries, more than 75% of people needing neurological treatment cannot access care, according to a new World Health Organization report released on Tuesday, World Brain Day.   The treatment gap – the difference […] Continue reading ->
Countries have failed miserably to halt rising obesity, despite goals set by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2018. Instead, obesity continues to rise apace.  Now, however, a new WHO strategy for accelerating action against obesity, endorsed last week by the World Health Assembly, calls for much tougher policies on food packaging, pricing and marketing […] Continue reading ->
Dental services, including regular check-ups, were among the most disrupted essential health services during the COVID-19 lockdowns. People´s reticence to visit a dentist during normal times was exacerbated by fear of venturing into an open clinic or simply not being able to, due to restrictions.  Dental hesitancy has always been around but over two years […] Continue reading ->
Diplomats approve the complex process they will use to update the legally binding rules among nations for responding to global health emergencies like the coronavirus pandemic. GENEVA – The 194-nation World Health Assembly approved a resolution on Friday that halves the two-year period for amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) to take effect down […] Continue reading ->
Despite significant compromises to a draft strategy on HIV, hepatitis B and STIs, conservative World Health Organization (WHO) member states used a debate at the World Health Assembly on Friday to object to the inclusion of such as “sexual orientation”, “sexuality” and “men who have sex with men”. The objections were led by Nigeria, Egypt, […] Continue reading ->
While the World Health Assembly adopted a raft of roadmaps, strategies and resolutions to address non-communicable diseases (NCDs) on Friday, what was important was their implementation, said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. “It is impossible to overstate the importance of concerted action against non-communicable diseases, which account for 85% of all premature mortality in low and […] Continue reading ->