In what has become an annual ritual, the World Health Assembly adopted a decision on Wednesday decrying the health conditions in the occupied Palestinian territories, and calling on WHO to monitor progress in recommendations for reform by both Israel and the Palestinian Authority. The decision was approved by 76 votes to 13, with 35 abstentions […] Continue reading ->
In a strong statement against the ongoing Russian aggression in Ukraine, the World Health Assembly adopted a resolution condemning the violence and calling for an immediate halt to Russian attacks on health facilities. Russia and Syria floated a resolution that made no mention of the Russian aggression, and which failed to find any support among […] Continue reading ->
With a political declaration on non-communicable diseases (NCDs) on the agenda of the World Health Assembly, we unpack the WHO’s  “Best Buys” that provide countries with tools to address the diseases that are responsible for three-quarters of global deaths Health Policy Watch: The WHO’s “Best Buys” to prevent and control NCDs comprise 90 interventions, which […] Continue reading ->
Three days into the World Health Assembly (WHA), the health emergency caused by Russia’s fifteen-month invasion of Ukraine looks set to become a dominant issue at the World Health Organization’s (WHO) top decision-making body for a second consecutive year. Over 140 Russian missiles and drones have rained down on Ukraine’s energy, civilian and medical infrastructure […] Continue reading ->
The World Health Assembly opened its annual meeting of member states Sunday on a celebratory note marking the 75th anniversary of the World Health Organization’s foundation in 1948. Eradicating smallpox, eliminating polio in most countries worldwide, and dramatic reductions in deaths from once-deadly childhood diseases preventable by clean water, basic medicines and vaccines are among […] Continue reading ->