Is One Health really an agenda of only the Global North?  Panelists at an event last week, hosted by the Geneva Graduate Institute’s Global Health Center, think otherwise. They talked about how developing countries are putting One Health principles into practice to head off future disease outbreaks. One Health is critical to future prevention of […] Continue reading ->
‘Extortion level’ capital costs put renewables out of reach in most developing economies; fossil fuel companies rake in record profits; and world reels from record heat, freak floods and drought, says UN Secretary General.  New climate data released Wednesday shows virtually all key global warming parameters, including land and sea temperatures at all time record […] Continue reading ->
Climate change is perhaps the greatest threat to human health. In a warming world, with changing and unpredictable weather patterns, its effects are all around us. In 2022, Pakistan experienced the worst floods in the country’s history, placing much of the country under water and giving way to a fivefold increase in the country’s rate […] Continue reading ->
A  bitter debate over proposed WHO recognition of a non-profit center for reproductive health rights, erupted in full force at the WHO Executive Board on Monday – after a tumultuous week of the World Health Assembly where member states largely skirted the increasingly contentious issue of sexual and reproductive health rights. The proposal by the […] Continue reading ->
WHA delegates spent over 10 hours in diplomatic maneuvers, debates and painful rollcount votes Friday, finally approving two measures that decried the humanitarian crisis in Gaza in sharply different, and sometimes  contradictory terms.   One motion co-sponsored by a coalition of Algeria, Russia, China, Cuba, Iran, Egypt and other Middle Eastern allies, condemns “indiscriminate attacks” by […] Continue reading ->
A last ditch effort of WHO member states to finish negotiations on a pandemic accord has failed to yield agreement ahead of next week’s World Health Assembly (WHA) – with key articles in the draft text still unresolved including the thorny formula for global sharing of vaccines and medicines during international health emergencies. As of […] Continue reading ->
Amid a huge global push against sexual and reproductive health and rights, some of the foremost global experts in the field are calling on the World Health Assembly to protect these hard-won rights. All the authors are listed below. Progress on comprehensive sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and its connected goals of gender […] Continue reading ->