The World Health Organization (WHO) Executive Board on Tuesday voted to recognize the US-based Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR) as a non-state actor “in official relations” with it, in a motion carried by a narrow 17-13 margin, with four abstentions. After multiple rounds of voting, the final vote was by way of a secret ballot. […] Continue reading ->
A  bitter debate over proposed WHO recognition of a non-profit center for reproductive health rights, erupted in full force at the WHO Executive Board on Monday – after a tumultuous week of the World Health Assembly where member states largely skirted the increasingly contentious issue of sexual and reproductive health rights. The proposal by the […] Continue reading ->
The World Health Organization’s 77th World Health Assembly passed a resolution on Wednesday calling on countries to bolster maternal and child health by expanding universal healthcare and strengthening primary healthcare, as progress in reducing maternal and child deaths has stagnated globally. The resolution, led by Somalia, commits countries to tackle the leading causes of maternal […] Continue reading ->
GENEVA – Conservative countries have objected to the use of the terms “gender responsive” and “advancing gender mainstreaming” in behind-the-scenes negotiations on several resolutions before the World Health Assembly (WHA), according to a wide variety of sources. There have also been some objections to the use of “gender equality” and “sexual” in some instances – […] Continue reading ->
Right-wing African Members of Parliament (MPs), including some of the continent’s most vociferous anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQ lawmakers, united with anti-vaxx conspiracy theorists for the first time at a conference in early May which plotted how to restrict human rights on the continent in the name of “family values”. Aside from the expected rhetoric against abortion and […] Continue reading ->
Uganda’s Constitutional Court ruled on Wednesday that the country’s draconian  Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023 complies with the country’s Constitution in all but four aspects.  “We decline to nullify the Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023 in its entirety neither would we grant a permanent injunction against its enforcement,” Deputy Chief Justice Richard Buteera,  told the Kampala courtroom and a […] Continue reading ->
Global health and parliamentary leaders have offered to support The Gambia to maintain its  ban on female genital mutilation (FGM), expressing “profound concern” over a recent attempt to reverse the ban.  The business committee of Gambia’s parliament is currently contemplating whether to allow the passage of a Private Members Bill which aims to reverse the […] Continue reading ->
Poland’s right-wing Law and Justice (PiS) party, which championed the country’s restrictive abortion laws, was voted out of power last October, but the path to improving access to abortion is not fast or straight forward. “First of all, we need accessible abortions and we need, which is extremely important, the decriminalisation of abortion support,” activist […] Continue reading ->
WHO officials said that they are trying to expedite delivery of mpox vaccines to outbreak-stricken DR Congo through talks with the world’s only two mpox vaccine manufacturers, as well as appeals for vaccine donations and negotiations with DRC officials. But speaking at a press briefing on Thursday, WHO’s Dr Mike Ryan, Executive Director of Health […] Continue reading ->