Ghana’s Parliament Passes Draconian Law With Prison Terms for People Who ‘Identify’ as LGBTIQ 28/02/2024 Kerry Cullinan Ghana’s Parliament unanimously passed one of the world’s most draconian anti-LGBTIQ Bills on Wednesday, including a mandatory three-year prison sentence for a person who simply “identifies” as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex or queer. Anyone funding an LGBTIQ organisation also faces five years in prison, while LGBTIQ “advocacy” involving children will result in a 10-year […] Continue reading -> A ‘Tsunami’ of Chronic Disease Challenges Confronts Health Sector Response to Humanitarian Crises 28/02/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher COPENHAGEN – While conflict and natural disasters are usually played out in the media against dramatic scenes of mass casualty response and rescue teams, there’s an iceberg of chronic health conditions that can be even more life threatening and these need far greater attention in emergency response. That is the theme of a global high […] Continue reading -> Kenya’s Ban on Plastic Bags Spurs Development of Eco-Friendly Sanitary Towels 26/02/2024 Wilson Odhiambo After Kenya banned plastic bags back in 2018, an academic’s quest for alternative packaging has led to the development of eco-friendly sanitary towels. Dr Jackline Kisota wants her product to empower young girls while also conserving the environment she told the launch last October, which was graced by potential investors and UN representatives. According to […] Continue reading -> 18 Million Sudanese Facing Acute Hunger as Civil War Shows No Signs of Ending 20/02/2024 Sophia Samantaroy Nearly 18 million people face acute hunger in Sudan – 37% of the population – the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) warned Monday. Five million people are experiencing emergency levels of hunger, including 700,000 children. The World Health Organization (WHO) also called attention to the rise in infectious diseases as a result of the […] Continue reading -> Africa CDC Announces Pooled Medicines Procurement at AU Summit; Leaders Called Upon To Expedite African Medicines Agency Set-Up 19/02/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher The Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), has announced the creation of a pooled African medicines procurement mechanism at the 37th African Union Summit, which ended yesterday. The mechanism aims to spearhead “a new era of predictable demand for African manufacturers, empowering them to plan for the long-term and establish a robust […] Continue reading -> Without Ensuring Swift Access to Pathogens, Pandemic Accord Risks Failure 13/02/2024 Thomas B. Cueni A wide array of stakeholders are looking toward the upcoming World Health Assembly this May to conclude negotiations on a new pandemic accord that seeks to make the world more prepared for the next pandemic. And most would agree that the primary task of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB), established by the World Health Assembly […] Continue reading -> A Year After Devastating Earthquake Hit Syria and Türkiye, Hundreds of Thousands Remain Displaced 09/02/2024 Sophia Samantaroy One year after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake wracked Türkiye and Syria, some 690,000 people remain displaced in southern Türkiye, out of the 3 million people that initially lost their homes when the natural disaster hit in the early morning of 6 February 2023. Another 40,000 Syrians remain internally displaced mainly in the northern region of […] Continue reading -> Somalia Leads Call for Urgent Action on Global Disparities in Maternal, Newborn and Child Mortality 27/01/2024 Paul Adepoju WHO’s director general says the battle against maternal mortality has stalled; Somalia calls for a new WHA resolution committing to stepped-up action on maternal and child deaths, a leading global health inequality. The battle against maternal mortality has stagnated and high rates of deaths continue to plague sub-Saharan Africa, as well as other low- and […] Continue reading -> At Davos: USAID Launches New Initiative to Tackle Global Plague of Lead Poisoning 19/01/2024 Disha Shetty The US government will commit $4 million to tackle lead poisoning, supporting developing countries to curtail lead in consumer goods like paints and toys in which the use of lead is still widespread, USAID administrator Samantha Power announced at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Power also called for more resources and action towards the […] Continue reading -> Regulatory Collaboration Can Strengthen Medicines Access – African Scientific Conference 04/01/2024 Jessica Ahedor CAIRO, Egypt -Some 70% of countries globally have weak national medicines regulatory systems. But the launch of the African Medicines Agency should help address many of the shortcomings on the African continent, said speakers at the 6th Scientific Conference on Medicines Regulation in Africa (SCoMRA), convened here in mid-December. The conference, organized by the African Union […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
A ‘Tsunami’ of Chronic Disease Challenges Confronts Health Sector Response to Humanitarian Crises 28/02/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher COPENHAGEN – While conflict and natural disasters are usually played out in the media against dramatic scenes of mass casualty response and rescue teams, there’s an iceberg of chronic health conditions that can be even more life threatening and these need far greater attention in emergency response. That is the theme of a global high […] Continue reading -> Kenya’s Ban on Plastic Bags Spurs Development of Eco-Friendly Sanitary Towels 26/02/2024 Wilson Odhiambo After Kenya banned plastic bags back in 2018, an academic’s quest for alternative packaging has led to the development of eco-friendly sanitary towels. Dr Jackline Kisota wants her product to empower young girls while also conserving the environment she told the launch last October, which was graced by potential investors and UN representatives. According to […] Continue reading -> 18 Million Sudanese Facing Acute Hunger as Civil War Shows No Signs of Ending 20/02/2024 Sophia Samantaroy Nearly 18 million people face acute hunger in Sudan – 37% of the population – the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) warned Monday. Five million people are experiencing emergency levels of hunger, including 700,000 children. The World Health Organization (WHO) also called attention to the rise in infectious diseases as a result of the […] Continue reading -> Africa CDC Announces Pooled Medicines Procurement at AU Summit; Leaders Called Upon To Expedite African Medicines Agency Set-Up 19/02/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher The Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), has announced the creation of a pooled African medicines procurement mechanism at the 37th African Union Summit, which ended yesterday. The mechanism aims to spearhead “a new era of predictable demand for African manufacturers, empowering them to plan for the long-term and establish a robust […] Continue reading -> Without Ensuring Swift Access to Pathogens, Pandemic Accord Risks Failure 13/02/2024 Thomas B. Cueni A wide array of stakeholders are looking toward the upcoming World Health Assembly this May to conclude negotiations on a new pandemic accord that seeks to make the world more prepared for the next pandemic. And most would agree that the primary task of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB), established by the World Health Assembly […] Continue reading -> A Year After Devastating Earthquake Hit Syria and Türkiye, Hundreds of Thousands Remain Displaced 09/02/2024 Sophia Samantaroy One year after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake wracked Türkiye and Syria, some 690,000 people remain displaced in southern Türkiye, out of the 3 million people that initially lost their homes when the natural disaster hit in the early morning of 6 February 2023. Another 40,000 Syrians remain internally displaced mainly in the northern region of […] Continue reading -> Somalia Leads Call for Urgent Action on Global Disparities in Maternal, Newborn and Child Mortality 27/01/2024 Paul Adepoju WHO’s director general says the battle against maternal mortality has stalled; Somalia calls for a new WHA resolution committing to stepped-up action on maternal and child deaths, a leading global health inequality. The battle against maternal mortality has stagnated and high rates of deaths continue to plague sub-Saharan Africa, as well as other low- and […] Continue reading -> At Davos: USAID Launches New Initiative to Tackle Global Plague of Lead Poisoning 19/01/2024 Disha Shetty The US government will commit $4 million to tackle lead poisoning, supporting developing countries to curtail lead in consumer goods like paints and toys in which the use of lead is still widespread, USAID administrator Samantha Power announced at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Power also called for more resources and action towards the […] Continue reading -> Regulatory Collaboration Can Strengthen Medicines Access – African Scientific Conference 04/01/2024 Jessica Ahedor CAIRO, Egypt -Some 70% of countries globally have weak national medicines regulatory systems. But the launch of the African Medicines Agency should help address many of the shortcomings on the African continent, said speakers at the 6th Scientific Conference on Medicines Regulation in Africa (SCoMRA), convened here in mid-December. The conference, organized by the African Union […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
Kenya’s Ban on Plastic Bags Spurs Development of Eco-Friendly Sanitary Towels 26/02/2024 Wilson Odhiambo After Kenya banned plastic bags back in 2018, an academic’s quest for alternative packaging has led to the development of eco-friendly sanitary towels. Dr Jackline Kisota wants her product to empower young girls while also conserving the environment she told the launch last October, which was graced by potential investors and UN representatives. According to […] Continue reading -> 18 Million Sudanese Facing Acute Hunger as Civil War Shows No Signs of Ending 20/02/2024 Sophia Samantaroy Nearly 18 million people face acute hunger in Sudan – 37% of the population – the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) warned Monday. Five million people are experiencing emergency levels of hunger, including 700,000 children. The World Health Organization (WHO) also called attention to the rise in infectious diseases as a result of the […] Continue reading -> Africa CDC Announces Pooled Medicines Procurement at AU Summit; Leaders Called Upon To Expedite African Medicines Agency Set-Up 19/02/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher The Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), has announced the creation of a pooled African medicines procurement mechanism at the 37th African Union Summit, which ended yesterday. The mechanism aims to spearhead “a new era of predictable demand for African manufacturers, empowering them to plan for the long-term and establish a robust […] Continue reading -> Without Ensuring Swift Access to Pathogens, Pandemic Accord Risks Failure 13/02/2024 Thomas B. Cueni A wide array of stakeholders are looking toward the upcoming World Health Assembly this May to conclude negotiations on a new pandemic accord that seeks to make the world more prepared for the next pandemic. And most would agree that the primary task of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB), established by the World Health Assembly […] Continue reading -> A Year After Devastating Earthquake Hit Syria and Türkiye, Hundreds of Thousands Remain Displaced 09/02/2024 Sophia Samantaroy One year after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake wracked Türkiye and Syria, some 690,000 people remain displaced in southern Türkiye, out of the 3 million people that initially lost their homes when the natural disaster hit in the early morning of 6 February 2023. Another 40,000 Syrians remain internally displaced mainly in the northern region of […] Continue reading -> Somalia Leads Call for Urgent Action on Global Disparities in Maternal, Newborn and Child Mortality 27/01/2024 Paul Adepoju WHO’s director general says the battle against maternal mortality has stalled; Somalia calls for a new WHA resolution committing to stepped-up action on maternal and child deaths, a leading global health inequality. The battle against maternal mortality has stagnated and high rates of deaths continue to plague sub-Saharan Africa, as well as other low- and […] Continue reading -> At Davos: USAID Launches New Initiative to Tackle Global Plague of Lead Poisoning 19/01/2024 Disha Shetty The US government will commit $4 million to tackle lead poisoning, supporting developing countries to curtail lead in consumer goods like paints and toys in which the use of lead is still widespread, USAID administrator Samantha Power announced at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Power also called for more resources and action towards the […] Continue reading -> Regulatory Collaboration Can Strengthen Medicines Access – African Scientific Conference 04/01/2024 Jessica Ahedor CAIRO, Egypt -Some 70% of countries globally have weak national medicines regulatory systems. But the launch of the African Medicines Agency should help address many of the shortcomings on the African continent, said speakers at the 6th Scientific Conference on Medicines Regulation in Africa (SCoMRA), convened here in mid-December. The conference, organized by the African Union […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
18 Million Sudanese Facing Acute Hunger as Civil War Shows No Signs of Ending 20/02/2024 Sophia Samantaroy Nearly 18 million people face acute hunger in Sudan – 37% of the population – the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) warned Monday. Five million people are experiencing emergency levels of hunger, including 700,000 children. The World Health Organization (WHO) also called attention to the rise in infectious diseases as a result of the […] Continue reading -> Africa CDC Announces Pooled Medicines Procurement at AU Summit; Leaders Called Upon To Expedite African Medicines Agency Set-Up 19/02/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher The Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), has announced the creation of a pooled African medicines procurement mechanism at the 37th African Union Summit, which ended yesterday. The mechanism aims to spearhead “a new era of predictable demand for African manufacturers, empowering them to plan for the long-term and establish a robust […] Continue reading -> Without Ensuring Swift Access to Pathogens, Pandemic Accord Risks Failure 13/02/2024 Thomas B. Cueni A wide array of stakeholders are looking toward the upcoming World Health Assembly this May to conclude negotiations on a new pandemic accord that seeks to make the world more prepared for the next pandemic. And most would agree that the primary task of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB), established by the World Health Assembly […] Continue reading -> A Year After Devastating Earthquake Hit Syria and Türkiye, Hundreds of Thousands Remain Displaced 09/02/2024 Sophia Samantaroy One year after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake wracked Türkiye and Syria, some 690,000 people remain displaced in southern Türkiye, out of the 3 million people that initially lost their homes when the natural disaster hit in the early morning of 6 February 2023. Another 40,000 Syrians remain internally displaced mainly in the northern region of […] Continue reading -> Somalia Leads Call for Urgent Action on Global Disparities in Maternal, Newborn and Child Mortality 27/01/2024 Paul Adepoju WHO’s director general says the battle against maternal mortality has stalled; Somalia calls for a new WHA resolution committing to stepped-up action on maternal and child deaths, a leading global health inequality. The battle against maternal mortality has stagnated and high rates of deaths continue to plague sub-Saharan Africa, as well as other low- and […] Continue reading -> At Davos: USAID Launches New Initiative to Tackle Global Plague of Lead Poisoning 19/01/2024 Disha Shetty The US government will commit $4 million to tackle lead poisoning, supporting developing countries to curtail lead in consumer goods like paints and toys in which the use of lead is still widespread, USAID administrator Samantha Power announced at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Power also called for more resources and action towards the […] Continue reading -> Regulatory Collaboration Can Strengthen Medicines Access – African Scientific Conference 04/01/2024 Jessica Ahedor CAIRO, Egypt -Some 70% of countries globally have weak national medicines regulatory systems. But the launch of the African Medicines Agency should help address many of the shortcomings on the African continent, said speakers at the 6th Scientific Conference on Medicines Regulation in Africa (SCoMRA), convened here in mid-December. The conference, organized by the African Union […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
Africa CDC Announces Pooled Medicines Procurement at AU Summit; Leaders Called Upon To Expedite African Medicines Agency Set-Up 19/02/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher The Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), has announced the creation of a pooled African medicines procurement mechanism at the 37th African Union Summit, which ended yesterday. The mechanism aims to spearhead “a new era of predictable demand for African manufacturers, empowering them to plan for the long-term and establish a robust […] Continue reading -> Without Ensuring Swift Access to Pathogens, Pandemic Accord Risks Failure 13/02/2024 Thomas B. Cueni A wide array of stakeholders are looking toward the upcoming World Health Assembly this May to conclude negotiations on a new pandemic accord that seeks to make the world more prepared for the next pandemic. And most would agree that the primary task of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB), established by the World Health Assembly […] Continue reading -> A Year After Devastating Earthquake Hit Syria and Türkiye, Hundreds of Thousands Remain Displaced 09/02/2024 Sophia Samantaroy One year after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake wracked Türkiye and Syria, some 690,000 people remain displaced in southern Türkiye, out of the 3 million people that initially lost their homes when the natural disaster hit in the early morning of 6 February 2023. Another 40,000 Syrians remain internally displaced mainly in the northern region of […] Continue reading -> Somalia Leads Call for Urgent Action on Global Disparities in Maternal, Newborn and Child Mortality 27/01/2024 Paul Adepoju WHO’s director general says the battle against maternal mortality has stalled; Somalia calls for a new WHA resolution committing to stepped-up action on maternal and child deaths, a leading global health inequality. The battle against maternal mortality has stagnated and high rates of deaths continue to plague sub-Saharan Africa, as well as other low- and […] Continue reading -> At Davos: USAID Launches New Initiative to Tackle Global Plague of Lead Poisoning 19/01/2024 Disha Shetty The US government will commit $4 million to tackle lead poisoning, supporting developing countries to curtail lead in consumer goods like paints and toys in which the use of lead is still widespread, USAID administrator Samantha Power announced at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Power also called for more resources and action towards the […] Continue reading -> Regulatory Collaboration Can Strengthen Medicines Access – African Scientific Conference 04/01/2024 Jessica Ahedor CAIRO, Egypt -Some 70% of countries globally have weak national medicines regulatory systems. But the launch of the African Medicines Agency should help address many of the shortcomings on the African continent, said speakers at the 6th Scientific Conference on Medicines Regulation in Africa (SCoMRA), convened here in mid-December. The conference, organized by the African Union […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
Without Ensuring Swift Access to Pathogens, Pandemic Accord Risks Failure 13/02/2024 Thomas B. Cueni A wide array of stakeholders are looking toward the upcoming World Health Assembly this May to conclude negotiations on a new pandemic accord that seeks to make the world more prepared for the next pandemic. And most would agree that the primary task of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB), established by the World Health Assembly […] Continue reading -> A Year After Devastating Earthquake Hit Syria and Türkiye, Hundreds of Thousands Remain Displaced 09/02/2024 Sophia Samantaroy One year after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake wracked Türkiye and Syria, some 690,000 people remain displaced in southern Türkiye, out of the 3 million people that initially lost their homes when the natural disaster hit in the early morning of 6 February 2023. Another 40,000 Syrians remain internally displaced mainly in the northern region of […] Continue reading -> Somalia Leads Call for Urgent Action on Global Disparities in Maternal, Newborn and Child Mortality 27/01/2024 Paul Adepoju WHO’s director general says the battle against maternal mortality has stalled; Somalia calls for a new WHA resolution committing to stepped-up action on maternal and child deaths, a leading global health inequality. The battle against maternal mortality has stagnated and high rates of deaths continue to plague sub-Saharan Africa, as well as other low- and […] Continue reading -> At Davos: USAID Launches New Initiative to Tackle Global Plague of Lead Poisoning 19/01/2024 Disha Shetty The US government will commit $4 million to tackle lead poisoning, supporting developing countries to curtail lead in consumer goods like paints and toys in which the use of lead is still widespread, USAID administrator Samantha Power announced at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Power also called for more resources and action towards the […] Continue reading -> Regulatory Collaboration Can Strengthen Medicines Access – African Scientific Conference 04/01/2024 Jessica Ahedor CAIRO, Egypt -Some 70% of countries globally have weak national medicines regulatory systems. But the launch of the African Medicines Agency should help address many of the shortcomings on the African continent, said speakers at the 6th Scientific Conference on Medicines Regulation in Africa (SCoMRA), convened here in mid-December. The conference, organized by the African Union […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
A Year After Devastating Earthquake Hit Syria and Türkiye, Hundreds of Thousands Remain Displaced 09/02/2024 Sophia Samantaroy One year after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake wracked Türkiye and Syria, some 690,000 people remain displaced in southern Türkiye, out of the 3 million people that initially lost their homes when the natural disaster hit in the early morning of 6 February 2023. Another 40,000 Syrians remain internally displaced mainly in the northern region of […] Continue reading -> Somalia Leads Call for Urgent Action on Global Disparities in Maternal, Newborn and Child Mortality 27/01/2024 Paul Adepoju WHO’s director general says the battle against maternal mortality has stalled; Somalia calls for a new WHA resolution committing to stepped-up action on maternal and child deaths, a leading global health inequality. The battle against maternal mortality has stagnated and high rates of deaths continue to plague sub-Saharan Africa, as well as other low- and […] Continue reading -> At Davos: USAID Launches New Initiative to Tackle Global Plague of Lead Poisoning 19/01/2024 Disha Shetty The US government will commit $4 million to tackle lead poisoning, supporting developing countries to curtail lead in consumer goods like paints and toys in which the use of lead is still widespread, USAID administrator Samantha Power announced at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Power also called for more resources and action towards the […] Continue reading -> Regulatory Collaboration Can Strengthen Medicines Access – African Scientific Conference 04/01/2024 Jessica Ahedor CAIRO, Egypt -Some 70% of countries globally have weak national medicines regulatory systems. But the launch of the African Medicines Agency should help address many of the shortcomings on the African continent, said speakers at the 6th Scientific Conference on Medicines Regulation in Africa (SCoMRA), convened here in mid-December. The conference, organized by the African Union […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
Somalia Leads Call for Urgent Action on Global Disparities in Maternal, Newborn and Child Mortality 27/01/2024 Paul Adepoju WHO’s director general says the battle against maternal mortality has stalled; Somalia calls for a new WHA resolution committing to stepped-up action on maternal and child deaths, a leading global health inequality. The battle against maternal mortality has stagnated and high rates of deaths continue to plague sub-Saharan Africa, as well as other low- and […] Continue reading -> At Davos: USAID Launches New Initiative to Tackle Global Plague of Lead Poisoning 19/01/2024 Disha Shetty The US government will commit $4 million to tackle lead poisoning, supporting developing countries to curtail lead in consumer goods like paints and toys in which the use of lead is still widespread, USAID administrator Samantha Power announced at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Power also called for more resources and action towards the […] Continue reading -> Regulatory Collaboration Can Strengthen Medicines Access – African Scientific Conference 04/01/2024 Jessica Ahedor CAIRO, Egypt -Some 70% of countries globally have weak national medicines regulatory systems. But the launch of the African Medicines Agency should help address many of the shortcomings on the African continent, said speakers at the 6th Scientific Conference on Medicines Regulation in Africa (SCoMRA), convened here in mid-December. The conference, organized by the African Union […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
At Davos: USAID Launches New Initiative to Tackle Global Plague of Lead Poisoning 19/01/2024 Disha Shetty The US government will commit $4 million to tackle lead poisoning, supporting developing countries to curtail lead in consumer goods like paints and toys in which the use of lead is still widespread, USAID administrator Samantha Power announced at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Power also called for more resources and action towards the […] Continue reading -> Regulatory Collaboration Can Strengthen Medicines Access – African Scientific Conference 04/01/2024 Jessica Ahedor CAIRO, Egypt -Some 70% of countries globally have weak national medicines regulatory systems. But the launch of the African Medicines Agency should help address many of the shortcomings on the African continent, said speakers at the 6th Scientific Conference on Medicines Regulation in Africa (SCoMRA), convened here in mid-December. The conference, organized by the African Union […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy
Regulatory Collaboration Can Strengthen Medicines Access – African Scientific Conference 04/01/2024 Jessica Ahedor CAIRO, Egypt -Some 70% of countries globally have weak national medicines regulatory systems. But the launch of the African Medicines Agency should help address many of the shortcomings on the African continent, said speakers at the 6th Scientific Conference on Medicines Regulation in Africa (SCoMRA), convened here in mid-December. The conference, organized by the African Union […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts