Climate Change, Vaccine Hesitancy and Vector-borne Diseases are Driving Encephalitis 24/02/2025 Sophia Samantaroy Encephalitis “remains under-recognized, under-diagnosed, and underfunded”, according to a new policy report from the World Health Organization (WHO). Climate change, vaccine hesitancy, and the rising burden of vector-borne diseases are also fuelling an increased number of encephalitis cases, a rare but serious inflammation of the brain. The technical document urges coordinated global action to “confront […] Continue reading -> Over 100 Countries Pledge to Adopt Policies to Address Violence Against Children 11/11/2024 Sophia Samantaroy The voices of the children’s choir echoed in the conference hall as a reminder that more than one billion children who experience some form of violence each year. Their performance was part of the historic first high-level ministerial conference to end violence against children in Bogota late last week, which brought together government delegations, children, […] Continue reading -> October 7 Anniversary of Hamas Attack on Israel Observed Against Grinding Gaza Conflict and Spectre of Regional War 08/10/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher Israelis in southern and northern Israel huddled in shelters under missile and rocket fire from Gaza’s Hamas and Lebanon’s Hezbollah militia. Palestinians in northern Gaza were being forced to relocate away from yet another incursion of Israeli tanks into densely populated urban areas, including Jabalia refugee camp. Lebanese in southern Lebanon fled at a thickening […] Continue reading -> One in Four Teen Girls in a Relationship Experience Partner Violence 30/07/2024 Zuzanna Stawiska By the time they turn 20 years old, nearly a quarter (24%) of adolescent girls who have been in a relationship will have experienced physical or sexual violence from their intimate partner, according to a report from the World Health Organization (WHO) published Monday found. Even though the prevalence of violence among teenagers largely parallels […] Continue reading -> Countries Trade Advice About How to Tackle NCDs and Mental Health at Global Financing Dialogue 20/06/2024 Kerry Cullinan A tax on tobacco and alcohol in the Philippines resulted in a sixfold increase in the country’s health budget as well as a drop in consumption of the harmful products, Ted Herbosa, the country’s health secretary, told a meeting on non-communicable diseases (NCD) and financing on Thursday. “It increased the health budget by six times […] Continue reading -> Partnership for Healthy Cities Achieves Big Wins Over Short Time 07/03/2024 Kerry Cullinan CAPE TOWN – From Accra to Kathmandu, a global partnership of 74 cities has had remarkable success in addressing some of the key drivers of sickness and death since it was launched seven years ago. Ghana’s capital city, Accra, has cut traffic crashes by 20%. In India, Bengaluru is virtually smoke-free – not even hookahs […] Continue reading -> WHO says Palestinian Children ‘Dying of Starvation’ in Northern Gaza; UN Team Finds ‘Reasonable Grounds’ for Reports of Sexual Violence Against Israelis on 7 October 05/03/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher A United Nations report released Monday said there are “reasonable grounds” to believe that multiple incidents of sexual violence, including rape and gang rape of Israeli women, occurred during the Hamas-led incursion into some 22 Israeli communities near the Gaza border on 7 October. More than 1,200 people were killed in the incident, mostly civilians. […] Continue reading -> Ten Countries Halve Road Traffic Deaths – But Global Progress is Slow 13/12/2023 Kerry Cullinan Ten countries have slashed their road traffic deaths in half between 2010 and 2021, while 35 others have reduced deaths by between 30% and 50%, according to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Status Report on Road Safety 2023 released this week. The big achievers are Belarus, Brunei, Denmark, Japan, Lithuania, Norway, Russia, Trinidad and […] Continue reading -> Countries Fail to Use Alcohol Taxation Effectively 06/12/2023 Kerry Cullinan Despite strong evidence that taxing alcohol is one of the “most effective measures to reduce consumption and address alcohol-related harms”, countries are not using this effectively, according to Ruediger Krech, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) director of health promotion. Krech was speaking on Tuesday at the launch of a WHO manual on alcohol tax policy […] Continue reading -> Gun Violence is Top Killer of US Children, With Mortality Rates Doubling Since 2013 20/07/2023 Megha Kaveri Firearms were the leading causes of death amongst children and teenagers aged 1-17 in the US in 2020 and 2021, according to a new study published by KFF, a US-based policy think tank. The number of children dying in firearm-related incidents in the US has doubled since 2013, and now ranks higher than other causes […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. 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Over 100 Countries Pledge to Adopt Policies to Address Violence Against Children 11/11/2024 Sophia Samantaroy The voices of the children’s choir echoed in the conference hall as a reminder that more than one billion children who experience some form of violence each year. Their performance was part of the historic first high-level ministerial conference to end violence against children in Bogota late last week, which brought together government delegations, children, […] Continue reading -> October 7 Anniversary of Hamas Attack on Israel Observed Against Grinding Gaza Conflict and Spectre of Regional War 08/10/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher Israelis in southern and northern Israel huddled in shelters under missile and rocket fire from Gaza’s Hamas and Lebanon’s Hezbollah militia. Palestinians in northern Gaza were being forced to relocate away from yet another incursion of Israeli tanks into densely populated urban areas, including Jabalia refugee camp. Lebanese in southern Lebanon fled at a thickening […] Continue reading -> One in Four Teen Girls in a Relationship Experience Partner Violence 30/07/2024 Zuzanna Stawiska By the time they turn 20 years old, nearly a quarter (24%) of adolescent girls who have been in a relationship will have experienced physical or sexual violence from their intimate partner, according to a report from the World Health Organization (WHO) published Monday found. Even though the prevalence of violence among teenagers largely parallels […] Continue reading -> Countries Trade Advice About How to Tackle NCDs and Mental Health at Global Financing Dialogue 20/06/2024 Kerry Cullinan A tax on tobacco and alcohol in the Philippines resulted in a sixfold increase in the country’s health budget as well as a drop in consumption of the harmful products, Ted Herbosa, the country’s health secretary, told a meeting on non-communicable diseases (NCD) and financing on Thursday. “It increased the health budget by six times […] Continue reading -> Partnership for Healthy Cities Achieves Big Wins Over Short Time 07/03/2024 Kerry Cullinan CAPE TOWN – From Accra to Kathmandu, a global partnership of 74 cities has had remarkable success in addressing some of the key drivers of sickness and death since it was launched seven years ago. Ghana’s capital city, Accra, has cut traffic crashes by 20%. In India, Bengaluru is virtually smoke-free – not even hookahs […] Continue reading -> WHO says Palestinian Children ‘Dying of Starvation’ in Northern Gaza; UN Team Finds ‘Reasonable Grounds’ for Reports of Sexual Violence Against Israelis on 7 October 05/03/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher A United Nations report released Monday said there are “reasonable grounds” to believe that multiple incidents of sexual violence, including rape and gang rape of Israeli women, occurred during the Hamas-led incursion into some 22 Israeli communities near the Gaza border on 7 October. More than 1,200 people were killed in the incident, mostly civilians. […] Continue reading -> Ten Countries Halve Road Traffic Deaths – But Global Progress is Slow 13/12/2023 Kerry Cullinan Ten countries have slashed their road traffic deaths in half between 2010 and 2021, while 35 others have reduced deaths by between 30% and 50%, according to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Status Report on Road Safety 2023 released this week. The big achievers are Belarus, Brunei, Denmark, Japan, Lithuania, Norway, Russia, Trinidad and […] Continue reading -> Countries Fail to Use Alcohol Taxation Effectively 06/12/2023 Kerry Cullinan Despite strong evidence that taxing alcohol is one of the “most effective measures to reduce consumption and address alcohol-related harms”, countries are not using this effectively, according to Ruediger Krech, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) director of health promotion. Krech was speaking on Tuesday at the launch of a WHO manual on alcohol tax policy […] Continue reading -> Gun Violence is Top Killer of US Children, With Mortality Rates Doubling Since 2013 20/07/2023 Megha Kaveri Firearms were the leading causes of death amongst children and teenagers aged 1-17 in the US in 2020 and 2021, according to a new study published by KFF, a US-based policy think tank. The number of children dying in firearm-related incidents in the US has doubled since 2013, and now ranks higher than other causes […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
October 7 Anniversary of Hamas Attack on Israel Observed Against Grinding Gaza Conflict and Spectre of Regional War 08/10/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher Israelis in southern and northern Israel huddled in shelters under missile and rocket fire from Gaza’s Hamas and Lebanon’s Hezbollah militia. Palestinians in northern Gaza were being forced to relocate away from yet another incursion of Israeli tanks into densely populated urban areas, including Jabalia refugee camp. Lebanese in southern Lebanon fled at a thickening […] Continue reading -> One in Four Teen Girls in a Relationship Experience Partner Violence 30/07/2024 Zuzanna Stawiska By the time they turn 20 years old, nearly a quarter (24%) of adolescent girls who have been in a relationship will have experienced physical or sexual violence from their intimate partner, according to a report from the World Health Organization (WHO) published Monday found. Even though the prevalence of violence among teenagers largely parallels […] Continue reading -> Countries Trade Advice About How to Tackle NCDs and Mental Health at Global Financing Dialogue 20/06/2024 Kerry Cullinan A tax on tobacco and alcohol in the Philippines resulted in a sixfold increase in the country’s health budget as well as a drop in consumption of the harmful products, Ted Herbosa, the country’s health secretary, told a meeting on non-communicable diseases (NCD) and financing on Thursday. “It increased the health budget by six times […] Continue reading -> Partnership for Healthy Cities Achieves Big Wins Over Short Time 07/03/2024 Kerry Cullinan CAPE TOWN – From Accra to Kathmandu, a global partnership of 74 cities has had remarkable success in addressing some of the key drivers of sickness and death since it was launched seven years ago. Ghana’s capital city, Accra, has cut traffic crashes by 20%. In India, Bengaluru is virtually smoke-free – not even hookahs […] Continue reading -> WHO says Palestinian Children ‘Dying of Starvation’ in Northern Gaza; UN Team Finds ‘Reasonable Grounds’ for Reports of Sexual Violence Against Israelis on 7 October 05/03/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher A United Nations report released Monday said there are “reasonable grounds” to believe that multiple incidents of sexual violence, including rape and gang rape of Israeli women, occurred during the Hamas-led incursion into some 22 Israeli communities near the Gaza border on 7 October. More than 1,200 people were killed in the incident, mostly civilians. […] Continue reading -> Ten Countries Halve Road Traffic Deaths – But Global Progress is Slow 13/12/2023 Kerry Cullinan Ten countries have slashed their road traffic deaths in half between 2010 and 2021, while 35 others have reduced deaths by between 30% and 50%, according to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Status Report on Road Safety 2023 released this week. The big achievers are Belarus, Brunei, Denmark, Japan, Lithuania, Norway, Russia, Trinidad and […] Continue reading -> Countries Fail to Use Alcohol Taxation Effectively 06/12/2023 Kerry Cullinan Despite strong evidence that taxing alcohol is one of the “most effective measures to reduce consumption and address alcohol-related harms”, countries are not using this effectively, according to Ruediger Krech, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) director of health promotion. Krech was speaking on Tuesday at the launch of a WHO manual on alcohol tax policy […] Continue reading -> Gun Violence is Top Killer of US Children, With Mortality Rates Doubling Since 2013 20/07/2023 Megha Kaveri Firearms were the leading causes of death amongst children and teenagers aged 1-17 in the US in 2020 and 2021, according to a new study published by KFF, a US-based policy think tank. The number of children dying in firearm-related incidents in the US has doubled since 2013, and now ranks higher than other causes […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
One in Four Teen Girls in a Relationship Experience Partner Violence 30/07/2024 Zuzanna Stawiska By the time they turn 20 years old, nearly a quarter (24%) of adolescent girls who have been in a relationship will have experienced physical or sexual violence from their intimate partner, according to a report from the World Health Organization (WHO) published Monday found. Even though the prevalence of violence among teenagers largely parallels […] Continue reading -> Countries Trade Advice About How to Tackle NCDs and Mental Health at Global Financing Dialogue 20/06/2024 Kerry Cullinan A tax on tobacco and alcohol in the Philippines resulted in a sixfold increase in the country’s health budget as well as a drop in consumption of the harmful products, Ted Herbosa, the country’s health secretary, told a meeting on non-communicable diseases (NCD) and financing on Thursday. “It increased the health budget by six times […] Continue reading -> Partnership for Healthy Cities Achieves Big Wins Over Short Time 07/03/2024 Kerry Cullinan CAPE TOWN – From Accra to Kathmandu, a global partnership of 74 cities has had remarkable success in addressing some of the key drivers of sickness and death since it was launched seven years ago. Ghana’s capital city, Accra, has cut traffic crashes by 20%. In India, Bengaluru is virtually smoke-free – not even hookahs […] Continue reading -> WHO says Palestinian Children ‘Dying of Starvation’ in Northern Gaza; UN Team Finds ‘Reasonable Grounds’ for Reports of Sexual Violence Against Israelis on 7 October 05/03/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher A United Nations report released Monday said there are “reasonable grounds” to believe that multiple incidents of sexual violence, including rape and gang rape of Israeli women, occurred during the Hamas-led incursion into some 22 Israeli communities near the Gaza border on 7 October. More than 1,200 people were killed in the incident, mostly civilians. […] Continue reading -> Ten Countries Halve Road Traffic Deaths – But Global Progress is Slow 13/12/2023 Kerry Cullinan Ten countries have slashed their road traffic deaths in half between 2010 and 2021, while 35 others have reduced deaths by between 30% and 50%, according to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Status Report on Road Safety 2023 released this week. The big achievers are Belarus, Brunei, Denmark, Japan, Lithuania, Norway, Russia, Trinidad and […] Continue reading -> Countries Fail to Use Alcohol Taxation Effectively 06/12/2023 Kerry Cullinan Despite strong evidence that taxing alcohol is one of the “most effective measures to reduce consumption and address alcohol-related harms”, countries are not using this effectively, according to Ruediger Krech, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) director of health promotion. Krech was speaking on Tuesday at the launch of a WHO manual on alcohol tax policy […] Continue reading -> Gun Violence is Top Killer of US Children, With Mortality Rates Doubling Since 2013 20/07/2023 Megha Kaveri Firearms were the leading causes of death amongst children and teenagers aged 1-17 in the US in 2020 and 2021, according to a new study published by KFF, a US-based policy think tank. The number of children dying in firearm-related incidents in the US has doubled since 2013, and now ranks higher than other causes […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
Countries Trade Advice About How to Tackle NCDs and Mental Health at Global Financing Dialogue 20/06/2024 Kerry Cullinan A tax on tobacco and alcohol in the Philippines resulted in a sixfold increase in the country’s health budget as well as a drop in consumption of the harmful products, Ted Herbosa, the country’s health secretary, told a meeting on non-communicable diseases (NCD) and financing on Thursday. “It increased the health budget by six times […] Continue reading -> Partnership for Healthy Cities Achieves Big Wins Over Short Time 07/03/2024 Kerry Cullinan CAPE TOWN – From Accra to Kathmandu, a global partnership of 74 cities has had remarkable success in addressing some of the key drivers of sickness and death since it was launched seven years ago. Ghana’s capital city, Accra, has cut traffic crashes by 20%. In India, Bengaluru is virtually smoke-free – not even hookahs […] Continue reading -> WHO says Palestinian Children ‘Dying of Starvation’ in Northern Gaza; UN Team Finds ‘Reasonable Grounds’ for Reports of Sexual Violence Against Israelis on 7 October 05/03/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher A United Nations report released Monday said there are “reasonable grounds” to believe that multiple incidents of sexual violence, including rape and gang rape of Israeli women, occurred during the Hamas-led incursion into some 22 Israeli communities near the Gaza border on 7 October. More than 1,200 people were killed in the incident, mostly civilians. […] Continue reading -> Ten Countries Halve Road Traffic Deaths – But Global Progress is Slow 13/12/2023 Kerry Cullinan Ten countries have slashed their road traffic deaths in half between 2010 and 2021, while 35 others have reduced deaths by between 30% and 50%, according to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Status Report on Road Safety 2023 released this week. The big achievers are Belarus, Brunei, Denmark, Japan, Lithuania, Norway, Russia, Trinidad and […] Continue reading -> Countries Fail to Use Alcohol Taxation Effectively 06/12/2023 Kerry Cullinan Despite strong evidence that taxing alcohol is one of the “most effective measures to reduce consumption and address alcohol-related harms”, countries are not using this effectively, according to Ruediger Krech, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) director of health promotion. Krech was speaking on Tuesday at the launch of a WHO manual on alcohol tax policy […] Continue reading -> Gun Violence is Top Killer of US Children, With Mortality Rates Doubling Since 2013 20/07/2023 Megha Kaveri Firearms were the leading causes of death amongst children and teenagers aged 1-17 in the US in 2020 and 2021, according to a new study published by KFF, a US-based policy think tank. The number of children dying in firearm-related incidents in the US has doubled since 2013, and now ranks higher than other causes […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
Partnership for Healthy Cities Achieves Big Wins Over Short Time 07/03/2024 Kerry Cullinan CAPE TOWN – From Accra to Kathmandu, a global partnership of 74 cities has had remarkable success in addressing some of the key drivers of sickness and death since it was launched seven years ago. Ghana’s capital city, Accra, has cut traffic crashes by 20%. In India, Bengaluru is virtually smoke-free – not even hookahs […] Continue reading -> WHO says Palestinian Children ‘Dying of Starvation’ in Northern Gaza; UN Team Finds ‘Reasonable Grounds’ for Reports of Sexual Violence Against Israelis on 7 October 05/03/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher A United Nations report released Monday said there are “reasonable grounds” to believe that multiple incidents of sexual violence, including rape and gang rape of Israeli women, occurred during the Hamas-led incursion into some 22 Israeli communities near the Gaza border on 7 October. More than 1,200 people were killed in the incident, mostly civilians. […] Continue reading -> Ten Countries Halve Road Traffic Deaths – But Global Progress is Slow 13/12/2023 Kerry Cullinan Ten countries have slashed their road traffic deaths in half between 2010 and 2021, while 35 others have reduced deaths by between 30% and 50%, according to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Status Report on Road Safety 2023 released this week. The big achievers are Belarus, Brunei, Denmark, Japan, Lithuania, Norway, Russia, Trinidad and […] Continue reading -> Countries Fail to Use Alcohol Taxation Effectively 06/12/2023 Kerry Cullinan Despite strong evidence that taxing alcohol is one of the “most effective measures to reduce consumption and address alcohol-related harms”, countries are not using this effectively, according to Ruediger Krech, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) director of health promotion. Krech was speaking on Tuesday at the launch of a WHO manual on alcohol tax policy […] Continue reading -> Gun Violence is Top Killer of US Children, With Mortality Rates Doubling Since 2013 20/07/2023 Megha Kaveri Firearms were the leading causes of death amongst children and teenagers aged 1-17 in the US in 2020 and 2021, according to a new study published by KFF, a US-based policy think tank. The number of children dying in firearm-related incidents in the US has doubled since 2013, and now ranks higher than other causes […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
WHO says Palestinian Children ‘Dying of Starvation’ in Northern Gaza; UN Team Finds ‘Reasonable Grounds’ for Reports of Sexual Violence Against Israelis on 7 October 05/03/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher A United Nations report released Monday said there are “reasonable grounds” to believe that multiple incidents of sexual violence, including rape and gang rape of Israeli women, occurred during the Hamas-led incursion into some 22 Israeli communities near the Gaza border on 7 October. More than 1,200 people were killed in the incident, mostly civilians. […] Continue reading -> Ten Countries Halve Road Traffic Deaths – But Global Progress is Slow 13/12/2023 Kerry Cullinan Ten countries have slashed their road traffic deaths in half between 2010 and 2021, while 35 others have reduced deaths by between 30% and 50%, according to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Status Report on Road Safety 2023 released this week. The big achievers are Belarus, Brunei, Denmark, Japan, Lithuania, Norway, Russia, Trinidad and […] Continue reading -> Countries Fail to Use Alcohol Taxation Effectively 06/12/2023 Kerry Cullinan Despite strong evidence that taxing alcohol is one of the “most effective measures to reduce consumption and address alcohol-related harms”, countries are not using this effectively, according to Ruediger Krech, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) director of health promotion. Krech was speaking on Tuesday at the launch of a WHO manual on alcohol tax policy […] Continue reading -> Gun Violence is Top Killer of US Children, With Mortality Rates Doubling Since 2013 20/07/2023 Megha Kaveri Firearms were the leading causes of death amongst children and teenagers aged 1-17 in the US in 2020 and 2021, according to a new study published by KFF, a US-based policy think tank. The number of children dying in firearm-related incidents in the US has doubled since 2013, and now ranks higher than other causes […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
Ten Countries Halve Road Traffic Deaths – But Global Progress is Slow 13/12/2023 Kerry Cullinan Ten countries have slashed their road traffic deaths in half between 2010 and 2021, while 35 others have reduced deaths by between 30% and 50%, according to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Status Report on Road Safety 2023 released this week. The big achievers are Belarus, Brunei, Denmark, Japan, Lithuania, Norway, Russia, Trinidad and […] Continue reading -> Countries Fail to Use Alcohol Taxation Effectively 06/12/2023 Kerry Cullinan Despite strong evidence that taxing alcohol is one of the “most effective measures to reduce consumption and address alcohol-related harms”, countries are not using this effectively, according to Ruediger Krech, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) director of health promotion. Krech was speaking on Tuesday at the launch of a WHO manual on alcohol tax policy […] Continue reading -> Gun Violence is Top Killer of US Children, With Mortality Rates Doubling Since 2013 20/07/2023 Megha Kaveri Firearms were the leading causes of death amongst children and teenagers aged 1-17 in the US in 2020 and 2021, according to a new study published by KFF, a US-based policy think tank. The number of children dying in firearm-related incidents in the US has doubled since 2013, and now ranks higher than other causes […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
Countries Fail to Use Alcohol Taxation Effectively 06/12/2023 Kerry Cullinan Despite strong evidence that taxing alcohol is one of the “most effective measures to reduce consumption and address alcohol-related harms”, countries are not using this effectively, according to Ruediger Krech, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) director of health promotion. Krech was speaking on Tuesday at the launch of a WHO manual on alcohol tax policy […] Continue reading -> Gun Violence is Top Killer of US Children, With Mortality Rates Doubling Since 2013 20/07/2023 Megha Kaveri Firearms were the leading causes of death amongst children and teenagers aged 1-17 in the US in 2020 and 2021, according to a new study published by KFF, a US-based policy think tank. The number of children dying in firearm-related incidents in the US has doubled since 2013, and now ranks higher than other causes […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy
Gun Violence is Top Killer of US Children, With Mortality Rates Doubling Since 2013 20/07/2023 Megha Kaveri Firearms were the leading causes of death amongst children and teenagers aged 1-17 in the US in 2020 and 2021, according to a new study published by KFF, a US-based policy think tank. The number of children dying in firearm-related incidents in the US has doubled since 2013, and now ranks higher than other causes […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older posts