Health and Finance Leaders Call for Strengthened Primary Health Care to Tackle NCDs and Mental Health 25/06/2024 Sophia Samantaroy When Felicia Knaul met Tonya Rosa, a Mexican woman undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer, “she was there with a big smile on her face…even though her cancer had recurred.” But Rosa told Knaul that her first round of treatment had impoverished her family, “they had to sell their business, their home, their assets to be […] Continue reading -> Countries Trade Advice About How to Tackle NCDs and Mental Health at Global Financing Dialogue 20/06/2024 Kerry Cullinan A tax on tobacco and alcohol in the Philippines resulted in a sixfold increase in the country’s health budget as well as a drop in consumption of the harmful products, Ted Herbosa, the country’s health secretary, told a meeting on non-communicable diseases (NCD) and financing on Thursday. “It increased the health budget by six times […] Continue reading -> WHO Issues First-Ever Set of Guidelines for Taxing Unhealthy Foods 14/06/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher In a first for healthier diets, WHO has issued a “strong recommendation” that countries tax sugar-sweetened beverages as part of a wider effort to combat the powerful health impacts of the industrial foods industry – whose marketing of sugar, sodium and fat-laced, processed foods is linked with millions of deaths annually. WHO also issued more […] Continue reading -> Why Investing in Public Health is a Win-Win Strategy That Can Protect Nestlé’s Profits 15/04/2024 Thomas Abrams, Holly Gabriel & Svĕt Lustig Vijay Nestlé’s shareholders have a golden opportunity to call on the food giant to promote healthier lives in almost two hundred countries by backing a bold resolution at the multinational’s Annual General Meeting this week. Doing so can protect their profits in the long-haul. Backed by a coalition of five institutional investors with $ 1.68 trillion […] Continue reading -> New Global Commitments Make Elimination of Cervical Cancer Possible 06/03/2024 Sophia Samantaroy & Kerry Cullinan Eliminating cervical cancer is within reach, thanks to new commitments by governments, donors and other partners, including pledges of almost $600 million, made at the first-ever global forum on cervical cancer in Cartagena de Indias in Colombia. Every two minutes, a woman dies from cervical cancer, although vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV), the leading cause […] Continue reading -> ‘Convergence:’ How Host Countries are Improving Refugee Health Along with National Health Systems 04/03/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher COPENHAGEN – In Lebanon, international donors are supporting a network of public primary health care centers to test for diabetes and other noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), offering treatment equally to Lebanese nationals and Syrian refugees who are unlikely to return anytime soon to their war-torn homeland. In Kenya, a new national insurance law aims to make […] Continue reading -> A ‘Tsunami’ of Chronic Disease Challenges Confronts Health Sector Response to Humanitarian Crises 28/02/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher COPENHAGEN – While conflict and natural disasters are usually played out in the media against dramatic scenes of mass casualty response and rescue teams, there’s an iceberg of chronic health conditions that can be even more life threatening and these need far greater attention in emergency response. That is the theme of a global high […] Continue reading -> Huge Increase in Cancers Predicted by 2050 – Driven Mainly by Tobacco, Alcohol, Obesity and Air Pollution 01/02/2024 Kerry Cullinan New cancer cases are projected to increase by a massive 77% between 2022 and 2050 – mainly as a result of tobacco, alcohol, obesity and air pollution. Ageing and population growth are also factors pushing new cases from 20 million in 2022 to an expected 35 million in 2050, according to the Global Cancer Observatory […] Continue reading -> Countries Fail to Use Alcohol Taxation Effectively 06/12/2023 Kerry Cullinan Despite strong evidence that taxing alcohol is one of the “most effective measures to reduce consumption and address alcohol-related harms”, countries are not using this effectively, according to Ruediger Krech, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) director of health promotion. Krech was speaking on Tuesday at the launch of a WHO manual on alcohol tax policy […] Continue reading -> Severe Air Pollution Takes Delhi by Surprise 03/11/2023 Chetan Bhattacharji Within hours, the Delhi government closed schools and announced traffic and construction curbs, but experts are questioning whether the government is tackling the right causes. Meanwhile, a database reporting the contribution of pollution from farm fires has been discontinued by the national government. The air quality forecast remains bleak. Delhi’s air pollution suddenly got a […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
Countries Trade Advice About How to Tackle NCDs and Mental Health at Global Financing Dialogue 20/06/2024 Kerry Cullinan A tax on tobacco and alcohol in the Philippines resulted in a sixfold increase in the country’s health budget as well as a drop in consumption of the harmful products, Ted Herbosa, the country’s health secretary, told a meeting on non-communicable diseases (NCD) and financing on Thursday. “It increased the health budget by six times […] Continue reading -> WHO Issues First-Ever Set of Guidelines for Taxing Unhealthy Foods 14/06/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher In a first for healthier diets, WHO has issued a “strong recommendation” that countries tax sugar-sweetened beverages as part of a wider effort to combat the powerful health impacts of the industrial foods industry – whose marketing of sugar, sodium and fat-laced, processed foods is linked with millions of deaths annually. WHO also issued more […] Continue reading -> Why Investing in Public Health is a Win-Win Strategy That Can Protect Nestlé’s Profits 15/04/2024 Thomas Abrams, Holly Gabriel & Svĕt Lustig Vijay Nestlé’s shareholders have a golden opportunity to call on the food giant to promote healthier lives in almost two hundred countries by backing a bold resolution at the multinational’s Annual General Meeting this week. Doing so can protect their profits in the long-haul. Backed by a coalition of five institutional investors with $ 1.68 trillion […] Continue reading -> New Global Commitments Make Elimination of Cervical Cancer Possible 06/03/2024 Sophia Samantaroy & Kerry Cullinan Eliminating cervical cancer is within reach, thanks to new commitments by governments, donors and other partners, including pledges of almost $600 million, made at the first-ever global forum on cervical cancer in Cartagena de Indias in Colombia. Every two minutes, a woman dies from cervical cancer, although vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV), the leading cause […] Continue reading -> ‘Convergence:’ How Host Countries are Improving Refugee Health Along with National Health Systems 04/03/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher COPENHAGEN – In Lebanon, international donors are supporting a network of public primary health care centers to test for diabetes and other noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), offering treatment equally to Lebanese nationals and Syrian refugees who are unlikely to return anytime soon to their war-torn homeland. In Kenya, a new national insurance law aims to make […] Continue reading -> A ‘Tsunami’ of Chronic Disease Challenges Confronts Health Sector Response to Humanitarian Crises 28/02/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher COPENHAGEN – While conflict and natural disasters are usually played out in the media against dramatic scenes of mass casualty response and rescue teams, there’s an iceberg of chronic health conditions that can be even more life threatening and these need far greater attention in emergency response. That is the theme of a global high […] Continue reading -> Huge Increase in Cancers Predicted by 2050 – Driven Mainly by Tobacco, Alcohol, Obesity and Air Pollution 01/02/2024 Kerry Cullinan New cancer cases are projected to increase by a massive 77% between 2022 and 2050 – mainly as a result of tobacco, alcohol, obesity and air pollution. Ageing and population growth are also factors pushing new cases from 20 million in 2022 to an expected 35 million in 2050, according to the Global Cancer Observatory […] Continue reading -> Countries Fail to Use Alcohol Taxation Effectively 06/12/2023 Kerry Cullinan Despite strong evidence that taxing alcohol is one of the “most effective measures to reduce consumption and address alcohol-related harms”, countries are not using this effectively, according to Ruediger Krech, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) director of health promotion. Krech was speaking on Tuesday at the launch of a WHO manual on alcohol tax policy […] Continue reading -> Severe Air Pollution Takes Delhi by Surprise 03/11/2023 Chetan Bhattacharji Within hours, the Delhi government closed schools and announced traffic and construction curbs, but experts are questioning whether the government is tackling the right causes. Meanwhile, a database reporting the contribution of pollution from farm fires has been discontinued by the national government. The air quality forecast remains bleak. Delhi’s air pollution suddenly got a […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
WHO Issues First-Ever Set of Guidelines for Taxing Unhealthy Foods 14/06/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher In a first for healthier diets, WHO has issued a “strong recommendation” that countries tax sugar-sweetened beverages as part of a wider effort to combat the powerful health impacts of the industrial foods industry – whose marketing of sugar, sodium and fat-laced, processed foods is linked with millions of deaths annually. WHO also issued more […] Continue reading -> Why Investing in Public Health is a Win-Win Strategy That Can Protect Nestlé’s Profits 15/04/2024 Thomas Abrams, Holly Gabriel & Svĕt Lustig Vijay Nestlé’s shareholders have a golden opportunity to call on the food giant to promote healthier lives in almost two hundred countries by backing a bold resolution at the multinational’s Annual General Meeting this week. Doing so can protect their profits in the long-haul. Backed by a coalition of five institutional investors with $ 1.68 trillion […] Continue reading -> New Global Commitments Make Elimination of Cervical Cancer Possible 06/03/2024 Sophia Samantaroy & Kerry Cullinan Eliminating cervical cancer is within reach, thanks to new commitments by governments, donors and other partners, including pledges of almost $600 million, made at the first-ever global forum on cervical cancer in Cartagena de Indias in Colombia. Every two minutes, a woman dies from cervical cancer, although vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV), the leading cause […] Continue reading -> ‘Convergence:’ How Host Countries are Improving Refugee Health Along with National Health Systems 04/03/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher COPENHAGEN – In Lebanon, international donors are supporting a network of public primary health care centers to test for diabetes and other noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), offering treatment equally to Lebanese nationals and Syrian refugees who are unlikely to return anytime soon to their war-torn homeland. In Kenya, a new national insurance law aims to make […] Continue reading -> A ‘Tsunami’ of Chronic Disease Challenges Confronts Health Sector Response to Humanitarian Crises 28/02/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher COPENHAGEN – While conflict and natural disasters are usually played out in the media against dramatic scenes of mass casualty response and rescue teams, there’s an iceberg of chronic health conditions that can be even more life threatening and these need far greater attention in emergency response. That is the theme of a global high […] Continue reading -> Huge Increase in Cancers Predicted by 2050 – Driven Mainly by Tobacco, Alcohol, Obesity and Air Pollution 01/02/2024 Kerry Cullinan New cancer cases are projected to increase by a massive 77% between 2022 and 2050 – mainly as a result of tobacco, alcohol, obesity and air pollution. Ageing and population growth are also factors pushing new cases from 20 million in 2022 to an expected 35 million in 2050, according to the Global Cancer Observatory […] Continue reading -> Countries Fail to Use Alcohol Taxation Effectively 06/12/2023 Kerry Cullinan Despite strong evidence that taxing alcohol is one of the “most effective measures to reduce consumption and address alcohol-related harms”, countries are not using this effectively, according to Ruediger Krech, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) director of health promotion. Krech was speaking on Tuesday at the launch of a WHO manual on alcohol tax policy […] Continue reading -> Severe Air Pollution Takes Delhi by Surprise 03/11/2023 Chetan Bhattacharji Within hours, the Delhi government closed schools and announced traffic and construction curbs, but experts are questioning whether the government is tackling the right causes. Meanwhile, a database reporting the contribution of pollution from farm fires has been discontinued by the national government. The air quality forecast remains bleak. Delhi’s air pollution suddenly got a […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
Why Investing in Public Health is a Win-Win Strategy That Can Protect Nestlé’s Profits 15/04/2024 Thomas Abrams, Holly Gabriel & Svĕt Lustig Vijay Nestlé’s shareholders have a golden opportunity to call on the food giant to promote healthier lives in almost two hundred countries by backing a bold resolution at the multinational’s Annual General Meeting this week. Doing so can protect their profits in the long-haul. Backed by a coalition of five institutional investors with $ 1.68 trillion […] Continue reading -> New Global Commitments Make Elimination of Cervical Cancer Possible 06/03/2024 Sophia Samantaroy & Kerry Cullinan Eliminating cervical cancer is within reach, thanks to new commitments by governments, donors and other partners, including pledges of almost $600 million, made at the first-ever global forum on cervical cancer in Cartagena de Indias in Colombia. Every two minutes, a woman dies from cervical cancer, although vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV), the leading cause […] Continue reading -> ‘Convergence:’ How Host Countries are Improving Refugee Health Along with National Health Systems 04/03/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher COPENHAGEN – In Lebanon, international donors are supporting a network of public primary health care centers to test for diabetes and other noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), offering treatment equally to Lebanese nationals and Syrian refugees who are unlikely to return anytime soon to their war-torn homeland. In Kenya, a new national insurance law aims to make […] Continue reading -> A ‘Tsunami’ of Chronic Disease Challenges Confronts Health Sector Response to Humanitarian Crises 28/02/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher COPENHAGEN – While conflict and natural disasters are usually played out in the media against dramatic scenes of mass casualty response and rescue teams, there’s an iceberg of chronic health conditions that can be even more life threatening and these need far greater attention in emergency response. That is the theme of a global high […] Continue reading -> Huge Increase in Cancers Predicted by 2050 – Driven Mainly by Tobacco, Alcohol, Obesity and Air Pollution 01/02/2024 Kerry Cullinan New cancer cases are projected to increase by a massive 77% between 2022 and 2050 – mainly as a result of tobacco, alcohol, obesity and air pollution. Ageing and population growth are also factors pushing new cases from 20 million in 2022 to an expected 35 million in 2050, according to the Global Cancer Observatory […] Continue reading -> Countries Fail to Use Alcohol Taxation Effectively 06/12/2023 Kerry Cullinan Despite strong evidence that taxing alcohol is one of the “most effective measures to reduce consumption and address alcohol-related harms”, countries are not using this effectively, according to Ruediger Krech, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) director of health promotion. Krech was speaking on Tuesday at the launch of a WHO manual on alcohol tax policy […] Continue reading -> Severe Air Pollution Takes Delhi by Surprise 03/11/2023 Chetan Bhattacharji Within hours, the Delhi government closed schools and announced traffic and construction curbs, but experts are questioning whether the government is tackling the right causes. Meanwhile, a database reporting the contribution of pollution from farm fires has been discontinued by the national government. The air quality forecast remains bleak. Delhi’s air pollution suddenly got a […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
New Global Commitments Make Elimination of Cervical Cancer Possible 06/03/2024 Sophia Samantaroy & Kerry Cullinan Eliminating cervical cancer is within reach, thanks to new commitments by governments, donors and other partners, including pledges of almost $600 million, made at the first-ever global forum on cervical cancer in Cartagena de Indias in Colombia. Every two minutes, a woman dies from cervical cancer, although vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV), the leading cause […] Continue reading -> ‘Convergence:’ How Host Countries are Improving Refugee Health Along with National Health Systems 04/03/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher COPENHAGEN – In Lebanon, international donors are supporting a network of public primary health care centers to test for diabetes and other noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), offering treatment equally to Lebanese nationals and Syrian refugees who are unlikely to return anytime soon to their war-torn homeland. In Kenya, a new national insurance law aims to make […] Continue reading -> A ‘Tsunami’ of Chronic Disease Challenges Confronts Health Sector Response to Humanitarian Crises 28/02/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher COPENHAGEN – While conflict and natural disasters are usually played out in the media against dramatic scenes of mass casualty response and rescue teams, there’s an iceberg of chronic health conditions that can be even more life threatening and these need far greater attention in emergency response. That is the theme of a global high […] Continue reading -> Huge Increase in Cancers Predicted by 2050 – Driven Mainly by Tobacco, Alcohol, Obesity and Air Pollution 01/02/2024 Kerry Cullinan New cancer cases are projected to increase by a massive 77% between 2022 and 2050 – mainly as a result of tobacco, alcohol, obesity and air pollution. Ageing and population growth are also factors pushing new cases from 20 million in 2022 to an expected 35 million in 2050, according to the Global Cancer Observatory […] Continue reading -> Countries Fail to Use Alcohol Taxation Effectively 06/12/2023 Kerry Cullinan Despite strong evidence that taxing alcohol is one of the “most effective measures to reduce consumption and address alcohol-related harms”, countries are not using this effectively, according to Ruediger Krech, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) director of health promotion. Krech was speaking on Tuesday at the launch of a WHO manual on alcohol tax policy […] Continue reading -> Severe Air Pollution Takes Delhi by Surprise 03/11/2023 Chetan Bhattacharji Within hours, the Delhi government closed schools and announced traffic and construction curbs, but experts are questioning whether the government is tackling the right causes. Meanwhile, a database reporting the contribution of pollution from farm fires has been discontinued by the national government. The air quality forecast remains bleak. Delhi’s air pollution suddenly got a […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
‘Convergence:’ How Host Countries are Improving Refugee Health Along with National Health Systems 04/03/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher COPENHAGEN – In Lebanon, international donors are supporting a network of public primary health care centers to test for diabetes and other noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), offering treatment equally to Lebanese nationals and Syrian refugees who are unlikely to return anytime soon to their war-torn homeland. In Kenya, a new national insurance law aims to make […] Continue reading -> A ‘Tsunami’ of Chronic Disease Challenges Confronts Health Sector Response to Humanitarian Crises 28/02/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher COPENHAGEN – While conflict and natural disasters are usually played out in the media against dramatic scenes of mass casualty response and rescue teams, there’s an iceberg of chronic health conditions that can be even more life threatening and these need far greater attention in emergency response. That is the theme of a global high […] Continue reading -> Huge Increase in Cancers Predicted by 2050 – Driven Mainly by Tobacco, Alcohol, Obesity and Air Pollution 01/02/2024 Kerry Cullinan New cancer cases are projected to increase by a massive 77% between 2022 and 2050 – mainly as a result of tobacco, alcohol, obesity and air pollution. Ageing and population growth are also factors pushing new cases from 20 million in 2022 to an expected 35 million in 2050, according to the Global Cancer Observatory […] Continue reading -> Countries Fail to Use Alcohol Taxation Effectively 06/12/2023 Kerry Cullinan Despite strong evidence that taxing alcohol is one of the “most effective measures to reduce consumption and address alcohol-related harms”, countries are not using this effectively, according to Ruediger Krech, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) director of health promotion. Krech was speaking on Tuesday at the launch of a WHO manual on alcohol tax policy […] Continue reading -> Severe Air Pollution Takes Delhi by Surprise 03/11/2023 Chetan Bhattacharji Within hours, the Delhi government closed schools and announced traffic and construction curbs, but experts are questioning whether the government is tackling the right causes. Meanwhile, a database reporting the contribution of pollution from farm fires has been discontinued by the national government. The air quality forecast remains bleak. Delhi’s air pollution suddenly got a […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
A ‘Tsunami’ of Chronic Disease Challenges Confronts Health Sector Response to Humanitarian Crises 28/02/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher COPENHAGEN – While conflict and natural disasters are usually played out in the media against dramatic scenes of mass casualty response and rescue teams, there’s an iceberg of chronic health conditions that can be even more life threatening and these need far greater attention in emergency response. That is the theme of a global high […] Continue reading -> Huge Increase in Cancers Predicted by 2050 – Driven Mainly by Tobacco, Alcohol, Obesity and Air Pollution 01/02/2024 Kerry Cullinan New cancer cases are projected to increase by a massive 77% between 2022 and 2050 – mainly as a result of tobacco, alcohol, obesity and air pollution. Ageing and population growth are also factors pushing new cases from 20 million in 2022 to an expected 35 million in 2050, according to the Global Cancer Observatory […] Continue reading -> Countries Fail to Use Alcohol Taxation Effectively 06/12/2023 Kerry Cullinan Despite strong evidence that taxing alcohol is one of the “most effective measures to reduce consumption and address alcohol-related harms”, countries are not using this effectively, according to Ruediger Krech, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) director of health promotion. Krech was speaking on Tuesday at the launch of a WHO manual on alcohol tax policy […] Continue reading -> Severe Air Pollution Takes Delhi by Surprise 03/11/2023 Chetan Bhattacharji Within hours, the Delhi government closed schools and announced traffic and construction curbs, but experts are questioning whether the government is tackling the right causes. Meanwhile, a database reporting the contribution of pollution from farm fires has been discontinued by the national government. The air quality forecast remains bleak. Delhi’s air pollution suddenly got a […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
Huge Increase in Cancers Predicted by 2050 – Driven Mainly by Tobacco, Alcohol, Obesity and Air Pollution 01/02/2024 Kerry Cullinan New cancer cases are projected to increase by a massive 77% between 2022 and 2050 – mainly as a result of tobacco, alcohol, obesity and air pollution. Ageing and population growth are also factors pushing new cases from 20 million in 2022 to an expected 35 million in 2050, according to the Global Cancer Observatory […] Continue reading -> Countries Fail to Use Alcohol Taxation Effectively 06/12/2023 Kerry Cullinan Despite strong evidence that taxing alcohol is one of the “most effective measures to reduce consumption and address alcohol-related harms”, countries are not using this effectively, according to Ruediger Krech, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) director of health promotion. Krech was speaking on Tuesday at the launch of a WHO manual on alcohol tax policy […] Continue reading -> Severe Air Pollution Takes Delhi by Surprise 03/11/2023 Chetan Bhattacharji Within hours, the Delhi government closed schools and announced traffic and construction curbs, but experts are questioning whether the government is tackling the right causes. Meanwhile, a database reporting the contribution of pollution from farm fires has been discontinued by the national government. The air quality forecast remains bleak. Delhi’s air pollution suddenly got a […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
Countries Fail to Use Alcohol Taxation Effectively 06/12/2023 Kerry Cullinan Despite strong evidence that taxing alcohol is one of the “most effective measures to reduce consumption and address alcohol-related harms”, countries are not using this effectively, according to Ruediger Krech, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) director of health promotion. Krech was speaking on Tuesday at the launch of a WHO manual on alcohol tax policy […] Continue reading -> Severe Air Pollution Takes Delhi by Surprise 03/11/2023 Chetan Bhattacharji Within hours, the Delhi government closed schools and announced traffic and construction curbs, but experts are questioning whether the government is tackling the right causes. Meanwhile, a database reporting the contribution of pollution from farm fires has been discontinued by the national government. The air quality forecast remains bleak. Delhi’s air pollution suddenly got a […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy
Severe Air Pollution Takes Delhi by Surprise 03/11/2023 Chetan Bhattacharji Within hours, the Delhi government closed schools and announced traffic and construction curbs, but experts are questioning whether the government is tackling the right causes. Meanwhile, a database reporting the contribution of pollution from farm fires has been discontinued by the national government. The air quality forecast remains bleak. Delhi’s air pollution suddenly got a […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts