The number of children who died before their fifth birthday has dropped to 2.9 million in 2022, reaching a historic low, according to the latest estimates of under-5 mortality released today by the United Nations Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation (UN IGME).  And since 2000, the global under-five mortality rate has declined by more […] Continue reading ->
The atmosphere at the Sokoto Noma Hospital, named after the city and state in north-west Nigeria bordering the Republic of Niger, is serene. The buildings are modest structures painted in soft, earthy tones. Several large trees form lush green canopies, providing shade from the afternoon sun. Huddled under the shade trees, caregivers — mainly mothers […] Continue reading ->
A new declaration by health ministers from African countries that have the highest malaria burden has reaffirmed the “unwavering commitment to the accelerated reduction of malaria mortality”. The declaration, issued Wednesday by ministers convening in Yaoundé, Cameroon at an African-wide WHO conference on malaria, aims to revitalise the campaign to drive deaths from malaria further […] Continue reading ->
The Central African country of Cameroon became the first country globally to implement routine malaria vaccinations on Monday, marking a significant stride in the fight against the deadly disease that claims over half a million lives annually, primarily affecting children under five in Africa. According to Aurélia Nguyen, Chief Programme Officer of Gavi the Vaccine […] Continue reading ->
Cabo Verde was certified as malaria-free on Friday by the World Health Organization (WHO), only the third African country to have achieved this milestone. The country, an archipelago of 10 islands off the West African coast near Senegal, joins 43 countries including African countries Mauritius and Algeria in eliminating malaria.  Its last indigenous malaria case […] Continue reading ->
The World Health Organization (WHO) has added the R21/Matrix-M malaria vaccine to its list of ‘prequalified’ vaccines, paving the way for bulk procurement and mass deployment of the new vaccine across malaria-endemic countries by UNICEF and other global health agencies. The prequalification of the world’s second malaria vaccine, developed by Oxford University and manufactured by […] Continue reading ->
Mayors and other municipal officials should develop “urban heat maps” to identify and protect those most vulnerable to high temperatures, World Health Organization (WHO) official Maria Neira urged on Wednesday. Many people in urban areas stifling under heat waves cannot afford cooling systems while conditions for outdoor workers not protected by legislation have become dangerous, […] Continue reading ->