RFK Jr Backtracks Anti-Vax Statements at Start of Contentious Confirmation Hearing 29/01/2025 Sophia Samantaroy Robert F Kennedy (RFK) Jr, President Donald Trump’s nominee for the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), faced two days of tense questioning from senators on the finance and health committees. He walked back many of his past statements on vaccines and abortion, and emphasized his commitment to address America’s […] Continue reading -> US Exempts ‘Life-Saving’ Projects from Global Health Services Stop-Work Order 29/01/2025 Kerry Cullinan The Trump Administration exempted “life-saving humanitarian assistance” from the “stop-work order” issued to all foreign aid recipients late Tuesday – but widespread confusion remained about which programmes could continue to operate unimpeded. Meanwhile, US Senate confirmation hearings for Robert F Kennedy Jr, Trump’s pick for Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), began Wednesday with […] Continue reading -> Brain Health is a Challenge That Needs Global Collaboration 23/01/2025 Elaine Ruth Fletcher DAVOS, Switzerland – While the United States decision to withdraw from the World Health Organization has thrown the world of global health into turmoil, former US Congressman Patrick J. Kennedy remains hopeful that a “more thoughtful” conversation can be held with the new US Administration of President Donald Trump once the political dust has settled. […] Continue reading -> Is ‘White Saviorism’ Blocking Progress in Global Health? 18/01/2025 Maayan Hoffman How do you define “white saviorism?” According to Themrise Khan, white saviorism is “imprinted psychologically in the minds of anyone who wants to be a saviour, anyone who thinks that they are superior to others and thinks that it is only them who can bring betterment into the lives of others.” This phenomenon often manifests […] Continue reading -> The ‘Soft Power’ of Public Health; Global Coalition of Deans Etches A Way Forward 23/12/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher In April 2022, amidst the continuing uproar of the COVID pandemic, four deans of schools of public health from the USA, China, Switzerland and Singapore, first got on a call with each other to see how they could ramp up cooperation – remotely. Barred by lockdowns from the usual academic meetings and conferences, the urge […] Continue reading -> RFK Hits Capitol Hill as Experts Warn His Anti-Vaccine Views Endanger Public Health 17/12/2024 Stefan Anderson Robert Kennedy Jr, President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee to lead the United States health system, arrived in Washington, D. C. on Monday to rally support from lawmakers for his candidacy amid fears from health experts that the anti-vaccine activist and lawyer could roll back hard-won public health gains credited with saving millions of lives and protecting […] Continue reading -> Climate Crisis is ‘Catastrophic’ for Global Health, WHO Chief Tells ICJ 13/12/2024 Stefan Anderson Climate change poses an immediate and catastrophic threat to human health worldwide, the World Health Organization (WHO) chief warned the UN’s highest court on Friday as it considers a landmark case that could establish fresh legal obligations for nations to cut emissions and pay for climate damages. WHO director-general Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus testified to […] Continue reading -> Third of Nations Collect No Air Quality Data, Masking Health Risks for One Billion People 13/12/2024 Stefan Anderson More than one-third of countries worldwide lack government-level air quality monitoring, leaving nearly one billion people in the dark about one of the greatest risks to their health, a new report showed on Friday. The assessment by non-profit OpenAQ, which maintains the largest open-source database of air quality measurements, found significant gaps in government tracking […] Continue reading -> Countries’ Protection of Health Workers is Haphazard with Significant Gaps 12/12/2024 Kerry Cullinan Countries are most likely to have laws about health workers’ pay and least likely to provide them with mental health services and protection against discrimination. There is also little correlation between a country’s wealth and the protection it offers its health workers. These are some of the findings of a study of over 1,200 laws […] Continue reading -> Public Health Spending in Low Income Countries Stagnates – Out of Pocket Costs Soar 11/12/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher After an early surge of spending during the COVID pandemic, public health layouts by countries at all income levels declined in 2022, on average, as compared to 2021. Meanwhile, there was a 60% increase overall in per-capita health expenditures between 2000 and 2022 – but in low income countries this was largely driven by a […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. 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US Exempts ‘Life-Saving’ Projects from Global Health Services Stop-Work Order 29/01/2025 Kerry Cullinan The Trump Administration exempted “life-saving humanitarian assistance” from the “stop-work order” issued to all foreign aid recipients late Tuesday – but widespread confusion remained about which programmes could continue to operate unimpeded. Meanwhile, US Senate confirmation hearings for Robert F Kennedy Jr, Trump’s pick for Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), began Wednesday with […] Continue reading -> Brain Health is a Challenge That Needs Global Collaboration 23/01/2025 Elaine Ruth Fletcher DAVOS, Switzerland – While the United States decision to withdraw from the World Health Organization has thrown the world of global health into turmoil, former US Congressman Patrick J. Kennedy remains hopeful that a “more thoughtful” conversation can be held with the new US Administration of President Donald Trump once the political dust has settled. […] Continue reading -> Is ‘White Saviorism’ Blocking Progress in Global Health? 18/01/2025 Maayan Hoffman How do you define “white saviorism?” According to Themrise Khan, white saviorism is “imprinted psychologically in the minds of anyone who wants to be a saviour, anyone who thinks that they are superior to others and thinks that it is only them who can bring betterment into the lives of others.” This phenomenon often manifests […] Continue reading -> The ‘Soft Power’ of Public Health; Global Coalition of Deans Etches A Way Forward 23/12/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher In April 2022, amidst the continuing uproar of the COVID pandemic, four deans of schools of public health from the USA, China, Switzerland and Singapore, first got on a call with each other to see how they could ramp up cooperation – remotely. Barred by lockdowns from the usual academic meetings and conferences, the urge […] Continue reading -> RFK Hits Capitol Hill as Experts Warn His Anti-Vaccine Views Endanger Public Health 17/12/2024 Stefan Anderson Robert Kennedy Jr, President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee to lead the United States health system, arrived in Washington, D. C. on Monday to rally support from lawmakers for his candidacy amid fears from health experts that the anti-vaccine activist and lawyer could roll back hard-won public health gains credited with saving millions of lives and protecting […] Continue reading -> Climate Crisis is ‘Catastrophic’ for Global Health, WHO Chief Tells ICJ 13/12/2024 Stefan Anderson Climate change poses an immediate and catastrophic threat to human health worldwide, the World Health Organization (WHO) chief warned the UN’s highest court on Friday as it considers a landmark case that could establish fresh legal obligations for nations to cut emissions and pay for climate damages. WHO director-general Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus testified to […] Continue reading -> Third of Nations Collect No Air Quality Data, Masking Health Risks for One Billion People 13/12/2024 Stefan Anderson More than one-third of countries worldwide lack government-level air quality monitoring, leaving nearly one billion people in the dark about one of the greatest risks to their health, a new report showed on Friday. The assessment by non-profit OpenAQ, which maintains the largest open-source database of air quality measurements, found significant gaps in government tracking […] Continue reading -> Countries’ Protection of Health Workers is Haphazard with Significant Gaps 12/12/2024 Kerry Cullinan Countries are most likely to have laws about health workers’ pay and least likely to provide them with mental health services and protection against discrimination. There is also little correlation between a country’s wealth and the protection it offers its health workers. These are some of the findings of a study of over 1,200 laws […] Continue reading -> Public Health Spending in Low Income Countries Stagnates – Out of Pocket Costs Soar 11/12/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher After an early surge of spending during the COVID pandemic, public health layouts by countries at all income levels declined in 2022, on average, as compared to 2021. Meanwhile, there was a 60% increase overall in per-capita health expenditures between 2000 and 2022 – but in low income countries this was largely driven by a […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
Brain Health is a Challenge That Needs Global Collaboration 23/01/2025 Elaine Ruth Fletcher DAVOS, Switzerland – While the United States decision to withdraw from the World Health Organization has thrown the world of global health into turmoil, former US Congressman Patrick J. Kennedy remains hopeful that a “more thoughtful” conversation can be held with the new US Administration of President Donald Trump once the political dust has settled. […] Continue reading -> Is ‘White Saviorism’ Blocking Progress in Global Health? 18/01/2025 Maayan Hoffman How do you define “white saviorism?” According to Themrise Khan, white saviorism is “imprinted psychologically in the minds of anyone who wants to be a saviour, anyone who thinks that they are superior to others and thinks that it is only them who can bring betterment into the lives of others.” This phenomenon often manifests […] Continue reading -> The ‘Soft Power’ of Public Health; Global Coalition of Deans Etches A Way Forward 23/12/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher In April 2022, amidst the continuing uproar of the COVID pandemic, four deans of schools of public health from the USA, China, Switzerland and Singapore, first got on a call with each other to see how they could ramp up cooperation – remotely. Barred by lockdowns from the usual academic meetings and conferences, the urge […] Continue reading -> RFK Hits Capitol Hill as Experts Warn His Anti-Vaccine Views Endanger Public Health 17/12/2024 Stefan Anderson Robert Kennedy Jr, President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee to lead the United States health system, arrived in Washington, D. C. on Monday to rally support from lawmakers for his candidacy amid fears from health experts that the anti-vaccine activist and lawyer could roll back hard-won public health gains credited with saving millions of lives and protecting […] Continue reading -> Climate Crisis is ‘Catastrophic’ for Global Health, WHO Chief Tells ICJ 13/12/2024 Stefan Anderson Climate change poses an immediate and catastrophic threat to human health worldwide, the World Health Organization (WHO) chief warned the UN’s highest court on Friday as it considers a landmark case that could establish fresh legal obligations for nations to cut emissions and pay for climate damages. WHO director-general Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus testified to […] Continue reading -> Third of Nations Collect No Air Quality Data, Masking Health Risks for One Billion People 13/12/2024 Stefan Anderson More than one-third of countries worldwide lack government-level air quality monitoring, leaving nearly one billion people in the dark about one of the greatest risks to their health, a new report showed on Friday. The assessment by non-profit OpenAQ, which maintains the largest open-source database of air quality measurements, found significant gaps in government tracking […] Continue reading -> Countries’ Protection of Health Workers is Haphazard with Significant Gaps 12/12/2024 Kerry Cullinan Countries are most likely to have laws about health workers’ pay and least likely to provide them with mental health services and protection against discrimination. There is also little correlation between a country’s wealth and the protection it offers its health workers. These are some of the findings of a study of over 1,200 laws […] Continue reading -> Public Health Spending in Low Income Countries Stagnates – Out of Pocket Costs Soar 11/12/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher After an early surge of spending during the COVID pandemic, public health layouts by countries at all income levels declined in 2022, on average, as compared to 2021. Meanwhile, there was a 60% increase overall in per-capita health expenditures between 2000 and 2022 – but in low income countries this was largely driven by a […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
Is ‘White Saviorism’ Blocking Progress in Global Health? 18/01/2025 Maayan Hoffman How do you define “white saviorism?” According to Themrise Khan, white saviorism is “imprinted psychologically in the minds of anyone who wants to be a saviour, anyone who thinks that they are superior to others and thinks that it is only them who can bring betterment into the lives of others.” This phenomenon often manifests […] Continue reading -> The ‘Soft Power’ of Public Health; Global Coalition of Deans Etches A Way Forward 23/12/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher In April 2022, amidst the continuing uproar of the COVID pandemic, four deans of schools of public health from the USA, China, Switzerland and Singapore, first got on a call with each other to see how they could ramp up cooperation – remotely. Barred by lockdowns from the usual academic meetings and conferences, the urge […] Continue reading -> RFK Hits Capitol Hill as Experts Warn His Anti-Vaccine Views Endanger Public Health 17/12/2024 Stefan Anderson Robert Kennedy Jr, President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee to lead the United States health system, arrived in Washington, D. C. on Monday to rally support from lawmakers for his candidacy amid fears from health experts that the anti-vaccine activist and lawyer could roll back hard-won public health gains credited with saving millions of lives and protecting […] Continue reading -> Climate Crisis is ‘Catastrophic’ for Global Health, WHO Chief Tells ICJ 13/12/2024 Stefan Anderson Climate change poses an immediate and catastrophic threat to human health worldwide, the World Health Organization (WHO) chief warned the UN’s highest court on Friday as it considers a landmark case that could establish fresh legal obligations for nations to cut emissions and pay for climate damages. WHO director-general Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus testified to […] Continue reading -> Third of Nations Collect No Air Quality Data, Masking Health Risks for One Billion People 13/12/2024 Stefan Anderson More than one-third of countries worldwide lack government-level air quality monitoring, leaving nearly one billion people in the dark about one of the greatest risks to their health, a new report showed on Friday. The assessment by non-profit OpenAQ, which maintains the largest open-source database of air quality measurements, found significant gaps in government tracking […] Continue reading -> Countries’ Protection of Health Workers is Haphazard with Significant Gaps 12/12/2024 Kerry Cullinan Countries are most likely to have laws about health workers’ pay and least likely to provide them with mental health services and protection against discrimination. There is also little correlation between a country’s wealth and the protection it offers its health workers. These are some of the findings of a study of over 1,200 laws […] Continue reading -> Public Health Spending in Low Income Countries Stagnates – Out of Pocket Costs Soar 11/12/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher After an early surge of spending during the COVID pandemic, public health layouts by countries at all income levels declined in 2022, on average, as compared to 2021. Meanwhile, there was a 60% increase overall in per-capita health expenditures between 2000 and 2022 – but in low income countries this was largely driven by a […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
The ‘Soft Power’ of Public Health; Global Coalition of Deans Etches A Way Forward 23/12/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher In April 2022, amidst the continuing uproar of the COVID pandemic, four deans of schools of public health from the USA, China, Switzerland and Singapore, first got on a call with each other to see how they could ramp up cooperation – remotely. Barred by lockdowns from the usual academic meetings and conferences, the urge […] Continue reading -> RFK Hits Capitol Hill as Experts Warn His Anti-Vaccine Views Endanger Public Health 17/12/2024 Stefan Anderson Robert Kennedy Jr, President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee to lead the United States health system, arrived in Washington, D. C. on Monday to rally support from lawmakers for his candidacy amid fears from health experts that the anti-vaccine activist and lawyer could roll back hard-won public health gains credited with saving millions of lives and protecting […] Continue reading -> Climate Crisis is ‘Catastrophic’ for Global Health, WHO Chief Tells ICJ 13/12/2024 Stefan Anderson Climate change poses an immediate and catastrophic threat to human health worldwide, the World Health Organization (WHO) chief warned the UN’s highest court on Friday as it considers a landmark case that could establish fresh legal obligations for nations to cut emissions and pay for climate damages. WHO director-general Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus testified to […] Continue reading -> Third of Nations Collect No Air Quality Data, Masking Health Risks for One Billion People 13/12/2024 Stefan Anderson More than one-third of countries worldwide lack government-level air quality monitoring, leaving nearly one billion people in the dark about one of the greatest risks to their health, a new report showed on Friday. The assessment by non-profit OpenAQ, which maintains the largest open-source database of air quality measurements, found significant gaps in government tracking […] Continue reading -> Countries’ Protection of Health Workers is Haphazard with Significant Gaps 12/12/2024 Kerry Cullinan Countries are most likely to have laws about health workers’ pay and least likely to provide them with mental health services and protection against discrimination. There is also little correlation between a country’s wealth and the protection it offers its health workers. These are some of the findings of a study of over 1,200 laws […] Continue reading -> Public Health Spending in Low Income Countries Stagnates – Out of Pocket Costs Soar 11/12/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher After an early surge of spending during the COVID pandemic, public health layouts by countries at all income levels declined in 2022, on average, as compared to 2021. Meanwhile, there was a 60% increase overall in per-capita health expenditures between 2000 and 2022 – but in low income countries this was largely driven by a […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
RFK Hits Capitol Hill as Experts Warn His Anti-Vaccine Views Endanger Public Health 17/12/2024 Stefan Anderson Robert Kennedy Jr, President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee to lead the United States health system, arrived in Washington, D. C. on Monday to rally support from lawmakers for his candidacy amid fears from health experts that the anti-vaccine activist and lawyer could roll back hard-won public health gains credited with saving millions of lives and protecting […] Continue reading -> Climate Crisis is ‘Catastrophic’ for Global Health, WHO Chief Tells ICJ 13/12/2024 Stefan Anderson Climate change poses an immediate and catastrophic threat to human health worldwide, the World Health Organization (WHO) chief warned the UN’s highest court on Friday as it considers a landmark case that could establish fresh legal obligations for nations to cut emissions and pay for climate damages. WHO director-general Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus testified to […] Continue reading -> Third of Nations Collect No Air Quality Data, Masking Health Risks for One Billion People 13/12/2024 Stefan Anderson More than one-third of countries worldwide lack government-level air quality monitoring, leaving nearly one billion people in the dark about one of the greatest risks to their health, a new report showed on Friday. The assessment by non-profit OpenAQ, which maintains the largest open-source database of air quality measurements, found significant gaps in government tracking […] Continue reading -> Countries’ Protection of Health Workers is Haphazard with Significant Gaps 12/12/2024 Kerry Cullinan Countries are most likely to have laws about health workers’ pay and least likely to provide them with mental health services and protection against discrimination. There is also little correlation between a country’s wealth and the protection it offers its health workers. These are some of the findings of a study of over 1,200 laws […] Continue reading -> Public Health Spending in Low Income Countries Stagnates – Out of Pocket Costs Soar 11/12/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher After an early surge of spending during the COVID pandemic, public health layouts by countries at all income levels declined in 2022, on average, as compared to 2021. Meanwhile, there was a 60% increase overall in per-capita health expenditures between 2000 and 2022 – but in low income countries this was largely driven by a […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
Climate Crisis is ‘Catastrophic’ for Global Health, WHO Chief Tells ICJ 13/12/2024 Stefan Anderson Climate change poses an immediate and catastrophic threat to human health worldwide, the World Health Organization (WHO) chief warned the UN’s highest court on Friday as it considers a landmark case that could establish fresh legal obligations for nations to cut emissions and pay for climate damages. WHO director-general Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus testified to […] Continue reading -> Third of Nations Collect No Air Quality Data, Masking Health Risks for One Billion People 13/12/2024 Stefan Anderson More than one-third of countries worldwide lack government-level air quality monitoring, leaving nearly one billion people in the dark about one of the greatest risks to their health, a new report showed on Friday. The assessment by non-profit OpenAQ, which maintains the largest open-source database of air quality measurements, found significant gaps in government tracking […] Continue reading -> Countries’ Protection of Health Workers is Haphazard with Significant Gaps 12/12/2024 Kerry Cullinan Countries are most likely to have laws about health workers’ pay and least likely to provide them with mental health services and protection against discrimination. There is also little correlation between a country’s wealth and the protection it offers its health workers. These are some of the findings of a study of over 1,200 laws […] Continue reading -> Public Health Spending in Low Income Countries Stagnates – Out of Pocket Costs Soar 11/12/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher After an early surge of spending during the COVID pandemic, public health layouts by countries at all income levels declined in 2022, on average, as compared to 2021. Meanwhile, there was a 60% increase overall in per-capita health expenditures between 2000 and 2022 – but in low income countries this was largely driven by a […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
Third of Nations Collect No Air Quality Data, Masking Health Risks for One Billion People 13/12/2024 Stefan Anderson More than one-third of countries worldwide lack government-level air quality monitoring, leaving nearly one billion people in the dark about one of the greatest risks to their health, a new report showed on Friday. The assessment by non-profit OpenAQ, which maintains the largest open-source database of air quality measurements, found significant gaps in government tracking […] Continue reading -> Countries’ Protection of Health Workers is Haphazard with Significant Gaps 12/12/2024 Kerry Cullinan Countries are most likely to have laws about health workers’ pay and least likely to provide them with mental health services and protection against discrimination. There is also little correlation between a country’s wealth and the protection it offers its health workers. These are some of the findings of a study of over 1,200 laws […] Continue reading -> Public Health Spending in Low Income Countries Stagnates – Out of Pocket Costs Soar 11/12/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher After an early surge of spending during the COVID pandemic, public health layouts by countries at all income levels declined in 2022, on average, as compared to 2021. Meanwhile, there was a 60% increase overall in per-capita health expenditures between 2000 and 2022 – but in low income countries this was largely driven by a […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
Countries’ Protection of Health Workers is Haphazard with Significant Gaps 12/12/2024 Kerry Cullinan Countries are most likely to have laws about health workers’ pay and least likely to provide them with mental health services and protection against discrimination. There is also little correlation between a country’s wealth and the protection it offers its health workers. These are some of the findings of a study of over 1,200 laws […] Continue reading -> Public Health Spending in Low Income Countries Stagnates – Out of Pocket Costs Soar 11/12/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher After an early surge of spending during the COVID pandemic, public health layouts by countries at all income levels declined in 2022, on average, as compared to 2021. Meanwhile, there was a 60% increase overall in per-capita health expenditures between 2000 and 2022 – but in low income countries this was largely driven by a […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy
Public Health Spending in Low Income Countries Stagnates – Out of Pocket Costs Soar 11/12/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher After an early surge of spending during the COVID pandemic, public health layouts by countries at all income levels declined in 2022, on average, as compared to 2021. Meanwhile, there was a 60% increase overall in per-capita health expenditures between 2000 and 2022 – but in low income countries this was largely driven by a […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts