More than 4.5 billion people lack access to essential health services, while globally 60 million lives are lost due to failures of health care systems, translating into a 15% loss of global GDP. Yet the consequences in terms of poor health and economies are preventable through increased investments in nurses who deliver upwards of 80% […] Continue reading ->
The world’s transport ministers pledged to cut road traffic deaths and injuries by 50% by 2030, as part of a political declaration adopted at the first-ever United Nations High Level Meeting on Global Road Safety, which opened Thursday in New York City.   The debate came as a new Lancet series suggested that some half a million […] Continue reading ->
The principle of a safe and healthy working environment has been adopted to be included in the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work in a landmark decision during the annual International Labour Conference (ILC). The International Labour Conference, held 27 May – 11 June, brings together delegates from ILO member states […] Continue reading ->
[NAIROBI] While deaths from some traditional pollution sources, like domestic cookstoves and unsafe water and sanitation are declining, increased exposures to “modern” sources of pollution, such as chemicals and outdoor air pollution, mean that pollution-related mortality remains steady at about 9 million a year.  This is a key finding of a new report on “Pollution […] Continue reading ->
Pollution is responsible for the premature deaths of approximately 9 million people each year; more than the number of deaths attributable to war and terrorism, malaria, AIDS, tuberculosis, drugs, alcohol or even smoking. That’s also the equivalent of one in six premature deaths worldwide, pointed out Rachael Kupka, of the Global Alliance on Health and […] Continue reading ->