Fourteen months into its devastating civil war, one-half of Sudan’s 25.6 million population faces levels of food security ranked as “crisis,” emergency, or “catastrophic,” according to the latest Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) analysis.  The IPC analysis of Gaza also found that a “high and sustained risk” of famine persists across the entire occupied […] Continue reading ->
The World Bank’s decision to suspend new public loans to Uganda after the country passed its Anti-Homosexuality Act in March should serve as a warning to other countries contemplating passing similar discriminatory laws, according to human rights activists.  “Other countries considering similarly discriminatory laws should take notice of the World Bank’s decision and the negative […] Continue reading ->
DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania – Twelve African nations pledged on Wednesday to end AIDS in children by 2030, focusing on ensuring that life-saving antiretroviral (ARV) medication reaches children. The pledge – known as the Dar es Salaam Declaration – was adopted at the first ministerial meeting of the Global Alliance to end AIDS in Children. […] Continue reading ->
Ethiopia’s Tigray region suffers from “the worst catastrophe on Earth” due to a devastating mix of factors such as government neglect, drought, and racism, World Health Organization Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told a virtual press briefing Wednesday. Tedros grew emotional at the end of the briefing as he described the humanitarian crisis facing […] Continue reading ->