Is One Health really an agenda of only the Global North?  Panelists at an event last week, hosted by the Geneva Graduate Institute’s Global Health Center, think otherwise. They talked about how developing countries are putting One Health principles into practice to head off future disease outbreaks. One Health is critical to future prevention of […] Continue reading ->
Four well-known heavy metals and chemical pollutants – lead, asbestos, arsenic and cadmium- continue exact a heavy toll on the lives of those in low- and middle-income countries  – with lead named a factor in as much as 5 million premature deaths annually from cardiovascular disease, according to one recent estimate. Asbestos, arsenic, and cadmium round […] Continue reading ->
In the universe of Geneva’s global health hub, which includes dozens of international NGOs and WHO as the brightest star in the solar system, a parallel universe of locally-grown health and humanitarian collaborations have also developed around the University of Geneva and Geneva University Hospitals. GENEVA – Ten years ago, two medical professionals from Madagascar […] Continue reading ->
      A milestone World Health Organization (WHO) decision to recognise noma (cancrum oris or gangrenous stomatitis) as a neglected tropical disease (NTD) is the result of a longstanding campaign waged for over a decade by global health researchers and advocates in Geneva and beyond. Proponents believe that inclusion can offer noma’s victims the […] Continue reading ->