BAD HOFGASTEIN, Austria — Declining health is driving more citizens to support far-right, populist parties and reducing overall participation in the democratic process, according to a new review of studies from a World Health Organization-backed (WHO) think tank. The report, released Wednesday by the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, analyzed 97 studies at […] Continue reading ->
A new social contract between European governments and their citizens is needed to lay the foundation for a resilient and sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, with health at the center, said panelists at the closing session of the European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) on Friday. A focus on ensuring social protection and equitable access […] Continue reading ->
Bad Hofgastein, Austria – A call to action to make stronger individual and collective commitments for climate change and health marked the end of the European Health Forum (Gastein). The closing plenary session, titled “the global climate crisis: a public health emergency,” ended the varied program with discussions on two issues high on the political […] Continue reading ->
Bad Hofgastein, Austria – A stronger research agenda for cannabis is urgently required to guide European health policymakers through a bewildering maze of medical and recreational cannabis and cannabinoid products that are fast emerging on the European market, said researchers and policymakers at a panel session of the 2019 European Health Forum (Gastein), which concluded […] Continue reading ->