New Delhi Traffic Pollution Sensors Debunk Notion that CNG is a ‘Green’ Fuel 26/08/2024 Chetan Bhattacharji New Delhi’s decades-old regime to control vehicular pollution, including a heavy reliance by commercial vehicles on compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel, has been challenged by a new study by the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT). The report upends the narrative the that CNG is a ‘clean’ fuel, pointing to its high level of health-damaging […] Continue reading -> Humans Now Ingest Six Times More Microplastics Than in 1990 09/08/2024 Sophia Samantaroy Humans are ingesting and inhaling more microplastics than at any time in recorded history, a Cornell University study revealed. The research shows microplastic consumption has risen sixfold globally since 1990, with Asian, African, and American countries all experiencing increases. People in China and the United States are among those consuming record levels of tiny plastic […] Continue reading -> From Depression to Hypertension: Heat and Air Pollution Exert Heavy Toll on India’s Farmers 09/07/2024 Sanket Jain JAMBHALI, India – Farmer Kusum Gaikwad’s work start at 4 am daily. First, she burns the firewood and farm residue to heat water for 10 family members. By 7 am, she reaches the fields, manoeuvring through thousands of sugarcane plants, removing weeds, and checking for pests and diseases that could hamper their growth. This is […] Continue reading -> Even India’s ‘Cleanest’ Cities Have Significant Excess Air Pollution-Related Deaths from NCDs 04/07/2024 Chetan Bhattacharji NEW DELHI – On 2 November 2023, extreme air pollution caught Delhi off-guard. It shut down schools and led to flight cancellations, curbs on construction and other emergency responses. That every little increase in air pollution increases the risk of death has been well-established for some years. But till now the effect of short-term air […] Continue reading -> From Anaemia to Mental Health – Growing Body of Indian Research Links Polluted Air to Range of Chronic Conditions 01/07/2024 Disha Shetty A growing body of evidence from India is firmly establishing the country’s toxic levels of air pollution as a leading cause of ill health, particularly non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The results are significant because the country’s politicians have repeatedly questioned the validity of research that links air pollution with reduced life expectancy and worsening health. As […] Continue reading -> Air Pollution ‘Kills a Child Every Minute’ 19/06/2024 Chetan Bhattacharji The fifth State of Global Air report shows air pollution is now the second-leading risk factor for death globally, after high blood pressure. Most of the deaths are from non-communicable diseases (NCD). The report has a silver lining about lives saved which shows how there’s been a large drop in the death rate of children […] Continue reading -> Progress on Cleaner Household Energy Access Reversed for First Time in a Decade 13/06/2024 Disha Shetty Progress on household electricity access suffered a setback for the first time in a decade – with 10 million more people lacking access in 2022 as compared to 2021, according to the 2024 Energy Progress Report released this week. As many as 685 million people were without electricity access in 2022. Some 2.1 billion people […] Continue reading -> New Climate and Health Resolution Wins Strong Support from WHO Member States 31/05/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher WHO member states approved the first resolution on climate and health to come before the World Health Assembly in 16 years – even as 50°C temperatures in Delhi, flooding in southern Brazil and devastating Caribbean storms are driving home the message to more and more countries that climate change is real. In several hours of […] Continue reading -> Pollution’s Silent Killers: New Research Links Lead Exposure to Millions of Cardiovascular Deaths 28/05/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher & Sophia Samantaroy Four well-known heavy metals and chemical pollutants – lead, asbestos, arsenic and cadmium- continue exact a heavy toll on the lives of those in low- and middle-income countries – with lead named a factor in as much as 5 million premature deaths annually from cardiovascular disease, according to one recent estimate. Asbestos, arsenic, and cadmium round […] Continue reading -> Clean Air Makes Economic Sense, Says Influential Group Ahead of World Bank Spring Meetings 11/04/2024 Chetan Bhattacharji What is the impact of air pollution on exam results or future earnings? Can governments agree to a 2050 net-zero-like goal for a key pollutant, PM 2.5? Such questions are part of an appeal by a new group of political, health, policy, and finance leaders for a policy approach to air pollution that is like […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... 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Humans Now Ingest Six Times More Microplastics Than in 1990 09/08/2024 Sophia Samantaroy Humans are ingesting and inhaling more microplastics than at any time in recorded history, a Cornell University study revealed. The research shows microplastic consumption has risen sixfold globally since 1990, with Asian, African, and American countries all experiencing increases. People in China and the United States are among those consuming record levels of tiny plastic […] Continue reading -> From Depression to Hypertension: Heat and Air Pollution Exert Heavy Toll on India’s Farmers 09/07/2024 Sanket Jain JAMBHALI, India – Farmer Kusum Gaikwad’s work start at 4 am daily. First, she burns the firewood and farm residue to heat water for 10 family members. By 7 am, she reaches the fields, manoeuvring through thousands of sugarcane plants, removing weeds, and checking for pests and diseases that could hamper their growth. This is […] Continue reading -> Even India’s ‘Cleanest’ Cities Have Significant Excess Air Pollution-Related Deaths from NCDs 04/07/2024 Chetan Bhattacharji NEW DELHI – On 2 November 2023, extreme air pollution caught Delhi off-guard. It shut down schools and led to flight cancellations, curbs on construction and other emergency responses. That every little increase in air pollution increases the risk of death has been well-established for some years. But till now the effect of short-term air […] Continue reading -> From Anaemia to Mental Health – Growing Body of Indian Research Links Polluted Air to Range of Chronic Conditions 01/07/2024 Disha Shetty A growing body of evidence from India is firmly establishing the country’s toxic levels of air pollution as a leading cause of ill health, particularly non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The results are significant because the country’s politicians have repeatedly questioned the validity of research that links air pollution with reduced life expectancy and worsening health. As […] Continue reading -> Air Pollution ‘Kills a Child Every Minute’ 19/06/2024 Chetan Bhattacharji The fifth State of Global Air report shows air pollution is now the second-leading risk factor for death globally, after high blood pressure. Most of the deaths are from non-communicable diseases (NCD). The report has a silver lining about lives saved which shows how there’s been a large drop in the death rate of children […] Continue reading -> Progress on Cleaner Household Energy Access Reversed for First Time in a Decade 13/06/2024 Disha Shetty Progress on household electricity access suffered a setback for the first time in a decade – with 10 million more people lacking access in 2022 as compared to 2021, according to the 2024 Energy Progress Report released this week. As many as 685 million people were without electricity access in 2022. Some 2.1 billion people […] Continue reading -> New Climate and Health Resolution Wins Strong Support from WHO Member States 31/05/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher WHO member states approved the first resolution on climate and health to come before the World Health Assembly in 16 years – even as 50°C temperatures in Delhi, flooding in southern Brazil and devastating Caribbean storms are driving home the message to more and more countries that climate change is real. In several hours of […] Continue reading -> Pollution’s Silent Killers: New Research Links Lead Exposure to Millions of Cardiovascular Deaths 28/05/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher & Sophia Samantaroy Four well-known heavy metals and chemical pollutants – lead, asbestos, arsenic and cadmium- continue exact a heavy toll on the lives of those in low- and middle-income countries – with lead named a factor in as much as 5 million premature deaths annually from cardiovascular disease, according to one recent estimate. Asbestos, arsenic, and cadmium round […] Continue reading -> Clean Air Makes Economic Sense, Says Influential Group Ahead of World Bank Spring Meetings 11/04/2024 Chetan Bhattacharji What is the impact of air pollution on exam results or future earnings? Can governments agree to a 2050 net-zero-like goal for a key pollutant, PM 2.5? Such questions are part of an appeal by a new group of political, health, policy, and finance leaders for a policy approach to air pollution that is like […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
From Depression to Hypertension: Heat and Air Pollution Exert Heavy Toll on India’s Farmers 09/07/2024 Sanket Jain JAMBHALI, India – Farmer Kusum Gaikwad’s work start at 4 am daily. First, she burns the firewood and farm residue to heat water for 10 family members. By 7 am, she reaches the fields, manoeuvring through thousands of sugarcane plants, removing weeds, and checking for pests and diseases that could hamper their growth. This is […] Continue reading -> Even India’s ‘Cleanest’ Cities Have Significant Excess Air Pollution-Related Deaths from NCDs 04/07/2024 Chetan Bhattacharji NEW DELHI – On 2 November 2023, extreme air pollution caught Delhi off-guard. It shut down schools and led to flight cancellations, curbs on construction and other emergency responses. That every little increase in air pollution increases the risk of death has been well-established for some years. But till now the effect of short-term air […] Continue reading -> From Anaemia to Mental Health – Growing Body of Indian Research Links Polluted Air to Range of Chronic Conditions 01/07/2024 Disha Shetty A growing body of evidence from India is firmly establishing the country’s toxic levels of air pollution as a leading cause of ill health, particularly non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The results are significant because the country’s politicians have repeatedly questioned the validity of research that links air pollution with reduced life expectancy and worsening health. As […] Continue reading -> Air Pollution ‘Kills a Child Every Minute’ 19/06/2024 Chetan Bhattacharji The fifth State of Global Air report shows air pollution is now the second-leading risk factor for death globally, after high blood pressure. Most of the deaths are from non-communicable diseases (NCD). The report has a silver lining about lives saved which shows how there’s been a large drop in the death rate of children […] Continue reading -> Progress on Cleaner Household Energy Access Reversed for First Time in a Decade 13/06/2024 Disha Shetty Progress on household electricity access suffered a setback for the first time in a decade – with 10 million more people lacking access in 2022 as compared to 2021, according to the 2024 Energy Progress Report released this week. As many as 685 million people were without electricity access in 2022. Some 2.1 billion people […] Continue reading -> New Climate and Health Resolution Wins Strong Support from WHO Member States 31/05/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher WHO member states approved the first resolution on climate and health to come before the World Health Assembly in 16 years – even as 50°C temperatures in Delhi, flooding in southern Brazil and devastating Caribbean storms are driving home the message to more and more countries that climate change is real. In several hours of […] Continue reading -> Pollution’s Silent Killers: New Research Links Lead Exposure to Millions of Cardiovascular Deaths 28/05/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher & Sophia Samantaroy Four well-known heavy metals and chemical pollutants – lead, asbestos, arsenic and cadmium- continue exact a heavy toll on the lives of those in low- and middle-income countries – with lead named a factor in as much as 5 million premature deaths annually from cardiovascular disease, according to one recent estimate. Asbestos, arsenic, and cadmium round […] Continue reading -> Clean Air Makes Economic Sense, Says Influential Group Ahead of World Bank Spring Meetings 11/04/2024 Chetan Bhattacharji What is the impact of air pollution on exam results or future earnings? Can governments agree to a 2050 net-zero-like goal for a key pollutant, PM 2.5? Such questions are part of an appeal by a new group of political, health, policy, and finance leaders for a policy approach to air pollution that is like […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
Even India’s ‘Cleanest’ Cities Have Significant Excess Air Pollution-Related Deaths from NCDs 04/07/2024 Chetan Bhattacharji NEW DELHI – On 2 November 2023, extreme air pollution caught Delhi off-guard. It shut down schools and led to flight cancellations, curbs on construction and other emergency responses. That every little increase in air pollution increases the risk of death has been well-established for some years. But till now the effect of short-term air […] Continue reading -> From Anaemia to Mental Health – Growing Body of Indian Research Links Polluted Air to Range of Chronic Conditions 01/07/2024 Disha Shetty A growing body of evidence from India is firmly establishing the country’s toxic levels of air pollution as a leading cause of ill health, particularly non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The results are significant because the country’s politicians have repeatedly questioned the validity of research that links air pollution with reduced life expectancy and worsening health. As […] Continue reading -> Air Pollution ‘Kills a Child Every Minute’ 19/06/2024 Chetan Bhattacharji The fifth State of Global Air report shows air pollution is now the second-leading risk factor for death globally, after high blood pressure. Most of the deaths are from non-communicable diseases (NCD). The report has a silver lining about lives saved which shows how there’s been a large drop in the death rate of children […] Continue reading -> Progress on Cleaner Household Energy Access Reversed for First Time in a Decade 13/06/2024 Disha Shetty Progress on household electricity access suffered a setback for the first time in a decade – with 10 million more people lacking access in 2022 as compared to 2021, according to the 2024 Energy Progress Report released this week. As many as 685 million people were without electricity access in 2022. Some 2.1 billion people […] Continue reading -> New Climate and Health Resolution Wins Strong Support from WHO Member States 31/05/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher WHO member states approved the first resolution on climate and health to come before the World Health Assembly in 16 years – even as 50°C temperatures in Delhi, flooding in southern Brazil and devastating Caribbean storms are driving home the message to more and more countries that climate change is real. In several hours of […] Continue reading -> Pollution’s Silent Killers: New Research Links Lead Exposure to Millions of Cardiovascular Deaths 28/05/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher & Sophia Samantaroy Four well-known heavy metals and chemical pollutants – lead, asbestos, arsenic and cadmium- continue exact a heavy toll on the lives of those in low- and middle-income countries – with lead named a factor in as much as 5 million premature deaths annually from cardiovascular disease, according to one recent estimate. Asbestos, arsenic, and cadmium round […] Continue reading -> Clean Air Makes Economic Sense, Says Influential Group Ahead of World Bank Spring Meetings 11/04/2024 Chetan Bhattacharji What is the impact of air pollution on exam results or future earnings? Can governments agree to a 2050 net-zero-like goal for a key pollutant, PM 2.5? Such questions are part of an appeal by a new group of political, health, policy, and finance leaders for a policy approach to air pollution that is like […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
From Anaemia to Mental Health – Growing Body of Indian Research Links Polluted Air to Range of Chronic Conditions 01/07/2024 Disha Shetty A growing body of evidence from India is firmly establishing the country’s toxic levels of air pollution as a leading cause of ill health, particularly non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The results are significant because the country’s politicians have repeatedly questioned the validity of research that links air pollution with reduced life expectancy and worsening health. As […] Continue reading -> Air Pollution ‘Kills a Child Every Minute’ 19/06/2024 Chetan Bhattacharji The fifth State of Global Air report shows air pollution is now the second-leading risk factor for death globally, after high blood pressure. Most of the deaths are from non-communicable diseases (NCD). The report has a silver lining about lives saved which shows how there’s been a large drop in the death rate of children […] Continue reading -> Progress on Cleaner Household Energy Access Reversed for First Time in a Decade 13/06/2024 Disha Shetty Progress on household electricity access suffered a setback for the first time in a decade – with 10 million more people lacking access in 2022 as compared to 2021, according to the 2024 Energy Progress Report released this week. As many as 685 million people were without electricity access in 2022. Some 2.1 billion people […] Continue reading -> New Climate and Health Resolution Wins Strong Support from WHO Member States 31/05/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher WHO member states approved the first resolution on climate and health to come before the World Health Assembly in 16 years – even as 50°C temperatures in Delhi, flooding in southern Brazil and devastating Caribbean storms are driving home the message to more and more countries that climate change is real. In several hours of […] Continue reading -> Pollution’s Silent Killers: New Research Links Lead Exposure to Millions of Cardiovascular Deaths 28/05/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher & Sophia Samantaroy Four well-known heavy metals and chemical pollutants – lead, asbestos, arsenic and cadmium- continue exact a heavy toll on the lives of those in low- and middle-income countries – with lead named a factor in as much as 5 million premature deaths annually from cardiovascular disease, according to one recent estimate. Asbestos, arsenic, and cadmium round […] Continue reading -> Clean Air Makes Economic Sense, Says Influential Group Ahead of World Bank Spring Meetings 11/04/2024 Chetan Bhattacharji What is the impact of air pollution on exam results or future earnings? Can governments agree to a 2050 net-zero-like goal for a key pollutant, PM 2.5? Such questions are part of an appeal by a new group of political, health, policy, and finance leaders for a policy approach to air pollution that is like […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
Air Pollution ‘Kills a Child Every Minute’ 19/06/2024 Chetan Bhattacharji The fifth State of Global Air report shows air pollution is now the second-leading risk factor for death globally, after high blood pressure. Most of the deaths are from non-communicable diseases (NCD). The report has a silver lining about lives saved which shows how there’s been a large drop in the death rate of children […] Continue reading -> Progress on Cleaner Household Energy Access Reversed for First Time in a Decade 13/06/2024 Disha Shetty Progress on household electricity access suffered a setback for the first time in a decade – with 10 million more people lacking access in 2022 as compared to 2021, according to the 2024 Energy Progress Report released this week. As many as 685 million people were without electricity access in 2022. Some 2.1 billion people […] Continue reading -> New Climate and Health Resolution Wins Strong Support from WHO Member States 31/05/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher WHO member states approved the first resolution on climate and health to come before the World Health Assembly in 16 years – even as 50°C temperatures in Delhi, flooding in southern Brazil and devastating Caribbean storms are driving home the message to more and more countries that climate change is real. In several hours of […] Continue reading -> Pollution’s Silent Killers: New Research Links Lead Exposure to Millions of Cardiovascular Deaths 28/05/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher & Sophia Samantaroy Four well-known heavy metals and chemical pollutants – lead, asbestos, arsenic and cadmium- continue exact a heavy toll on the lives of those in low- and middle-income countries – with lead named a factor in as much as 5 million premature deaths annually from cardiovascular disease, according to one recent estimate. Asbestos, arsenic, and cadmium round […] Continue reading -> Clean Air Makes Economic Sense, Says Influential Group Ahead of World Bank Spring Meetings 11/04/2024 Chetan Bhattacharji What is the impact of air pollution on exam results or future earnings? Can governments agree to a 2050 net-zero-like goal for a key pollutant, PM 2.5? Such questions are part of an appeal by a new group of political, health, policy, and finance leaders for a policy approach to air pollution that is like […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
Progress on Cleaner Household Energy Access Reversed for First Time in a Decade 13/06/2024 Disha Shetty Progress on household electricity access suffered a setback for the first time in a decade – with 10 million more people lacking access in 2022 as compared to 2021, according to the 2024 Energy Progress Report released this week. As many as 685 million people were without electricity access in 2022. Some 2.1 billion people […] Continue reading -> New Climate and Health Resolution Wins Strong Support from WHO Member States 31/05/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher WHO member states approved the first resolution on climate and health to come before the World Health Assembly in 16 years – even as 50°C temperatures in Delhi, flooding in southern Brazil and devastating Caribbean storms are driving home the message to more and more countries that climate change is real. In several hours of […] Continue reading -> Pollution’s Silent Killers: New Research Links Lead Exposure to Millions of Cardiovascular Deaths 28/05/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher & Sophia Samantaroy Four well-known heavy metals and chemical pollutants – lead, asbestos, arsenic and cadmium- continue exact a heavy toll on the lives of those in low- and middle-income countries – with lead named a factor in as much as 5 million premature deaths annually from cardiovascular disease, according to one recent estimate. Asbestos, arsenic, and cadmium round […] Continue reading -> Clean Air Makes Economic Sense, Says Influential Group Ahead of World Bank Spring Meetings 11/04/2024 Chetan Bhattacharji What is the impact of air pollution on exam results or future earnings? Can governments agree to a 2050 net-zero-like goal for a key pollutant, PM 2.5? Such questions are part of an appeal by a new group of political, health, policy, and finance leaders for a policy approach to air pollution that is like […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
New Climate and Health Resolution Wins Strong Support from WHO Member States 31/05/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher WHO member states approved the first resolution on climate and health to come before the World Health Assembly in 16 years – even as 50°C temperatures in Delhi, flooding in southern Brazil and devastating Caribbean storms are driving home the message to more and more countries that climate change is real. In several hours of […] Continue reading -> Pollution’s Silent Killers: New Research Links Lead Exposure to Millions of Cardiovascular Deaths 28/05/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher & Sophia Samantaroy Four well-known heavy metals and chemical pollutants – lead, asbestos, arsenic and cadmium- continue exact a heavy toll on the lives of those in low- and middle-income countries – with lead named a factor in as much as 5 million premature deaths annually from cardiovascular disease, according to one recent estimate. Asbestos, arsenic, and cadmium round […] Continue reading -> Clean Air Makes Economic Sense, Says Influential Group Ahead of World Bank Spring Meetings 11/04/2024 Chetan Bhattacharji What is the impact of air pollution on exam results or future earnings? Can governments agree to a 2050 net-zero-like goal for a key pollutant, PM 2.5? Such questions are part of an appeal by a new group of political, health, policy, and finance leaders for a policy approach to air pollution that is like […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment.
Pollution’s Silent Killers: New Research Links Lead Exposure to Millions of Cardiovascular Deaths 28/05/2024 Elaine Ruth Fletcher & Sophia Samantaroy Four well-known heavy metals and chemical pollutants – lead, asbestos, arsenic and cadmium- continue exact a heavy toll on the lives of those in low- and middle-income countries – with lead named a factor in as much as 5 million premature deaths annually from cardiovascular disease, according to one recent estimate. Asbestos, arsenic, and cadmium round […] Continue reading -> Clean Air Makes Economic Sense, Says Influential Group Ahead of World Bank Spring Meetings 11/04/2024 Chetan Bhattacharji What is the impact of air pollution on exam results or future earnings? Can governments agree to a 2050 net-zero-like goal for a key pollutant, PM 2.5? Such questions are part of an appeal by a new group of political, health, policy, and finance leaders for a policy approach to air pollution that is like […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy
Clean Air Makes Economic Sense, Says Influential Group Ahead of World Bank Spring Meetings 11/04/2024 Chetan Bhattacharji What is the impact of air pollution on exam results or future earnings? Can governments agree to a 2050 net-zero-like goal for a key pollutant, PM 2.5? Such questions are part of an appeal by a new group of political, health, policy, and finance leaders for a policy approach to air pollution that is like […] Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts