Sixteen leading scientists and manufacturers involved in vaccine development and production worldwide issue an urgent call for a pandemic accord that can be a ‘win-win for all.’ The full list of authors is available below. Health misinformation was not invented during COVID-19 but was certainly brought to a higher, more malevolent  and destructive pitch during […] Continue reading ->
Ghana outlawed alcohol promotion by celebrities back in 2015, but a music promoter is challenging government in court to fight for his ‘right’ to advertise various brands. Predatory commercial exploitation that encourages harmful activities has been identified by UNICEF and the World Health Organization (WHO) as one of the two main crises threatening the health […] Continue reading ->
Pharmacogenomics research in Africa transcends mere regional healthcare improvements: it represents a pivotal step in addressing pressing global health challenges and propelling medical science forward for all.  A revolution is sweeping through the field of medicine, redefining how we approach the treatment of diseases. Africa must not be left behind in this transformative journey. Pharmacogenomics, […] Continue reading ->
Nestlé’s shareholders have a golden opportunity to call on the food giant to promote healthier lives in almost two hundred countries by backing a bold resolution at the multinational’s Annual General Meeting this week. Doing so can protect their profits in the long-haul. Backed by a coalition of five institutional investors with $ 1.68 trillion […] Continue reading ->
Each woman in the health workforce is powerful, capable of transforming individual lives, communities, and nations when supported in her role. Women health workers deliver care to approximately five billion people, mostly as nurses, midwives, and community health workers. They contribute $3 trillion to global health annually, half in unpaid work.  Despite constituting 70% of […] Continue reading ->
As WHO unveils S.A.R.A.H. (Smart AI Resource Assistant for Health), its new digital health promoter prototype powered by generative artificial intelligence (AI), and available in eight languages 24 hours a day, WHO’s Regional Director for Europe writes about harnessing innovation in health to help meet critical public health challenges, both now and in the future.   […] Continue reading ->
At a time when the world is negotiating the best way forward for sustained preparedness to address pandemics, it is still exhibiting collective failure to learn from past outbreaks and a glaring gap in global health security. Mpox is one case in point – and a test case for global intent on pandemic preparedness.  In […] Continue reading ->
Over the last century, Europe – including  Northern, Western, Southern and Central European countries – made remarkable progress in the near elimination of tuberculosis (TB) due to improved socio-economic conditions and advancements in research and development.  However, a recent surge of TB in Europe, coupled with lack of structural preparedness within many European Union (EU) […] Continue reading ->