New World Bank Report: World Unprepared To Face Next Inevitable Pandemic 25/05/2017 Catherine Saez A new report released today by the World Bank shows that the world is not quite prepared to face the next pandemic. As for many other issues, money, or rather the lack of it, is at the heart of the problem, according to the report, which provides 12 recommendations to tackle the issue at the country level. Continue reading -> Antimicrobial Resistance: PPPs The Way Forward, Speakers Say 25/05/2017 Catherine Saez With global funding for research and development decreasing, and the growing threat of antimicrobial resistance, ways to incentivise research are seen as key to solving the problem. Speakers at a side event to the World Health Assembly this week presented models of public and private partnerships to address the issue. Continue reading -> Expanding Access To Medicines: What Role For Transparency? 25/05/2017 Mara Pillinger Transparency” and “accountability” are familiar buzzwords. Like salt and pepper, they pop up on nearly every list of ingredients for sound policy and good governance. But, as Ilona Kickbusch and Suerie Moon of the Graduate Institute Global Health Centre in Geneva point out, their details are rarely specified: transparency for what? Accountability to whom? On Tuesday afternoon, those not busy casting a vote for the next World Health Organization director general got the chance to dig into these questions at a panel co-sponsored by the Graduate Institute and FIND. In particular, discussion focused on transparency in terms of public access to two types of information: drug R&D costs and clinical trial data. Continue reading -> Tedros Warms Up To Press In First Meeting, Sees Clear Mandate In “Landslide” Victory 24/05/2017 William New In his first meeting with the United Nations press corps the morning after his historic election as the next director general of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus began to unfold his vision for the organisation and fended off questions about the United States budget by saying WHO has to diversify its funding base. He also signaled a variety of possible issues to come such as increased assessments on governments, and consideration of the recommendations of a recent UN report on access to medicines. Continue reading -> New Draft Decision Seeks To Deepen Analysis On WHO Pandemic Flu Framework 24/05/2017 Catherine Saez A new draft decision submitted this week at the World Health Assembly (WHA) by a group of countries would set out further actions to analyse the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness (PIP) Framework. Continue reading -> Partnership For Healthy Cities To Prevent Noncommunicable Diseases 24/05/2017 Elise De Geyter Noncommunicable diseases, including heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, and chronic respiratory diseases, cause 80 percent of deaths worldwide. Cities play an important role in the prevention of noncommunicable diseases and injuries as around half of the world population lives in urban settings, according to Bloomberg Philanthropies. Continue reading -> Antimicrobial Resistance Needs New R&D Models, NGOs Say 24/05/2017 Catherine Saez A group of non-governmental organisations organised a side event to the World Health Assembly to discuss the growing issue of antimicrobial resistance, the way to incentivise research and development for new antibiotics, and the imperative of affordability and accessibility of new products. The speakers mentioned alternative models, such as delinking the cost of research from the price of the medicines, underlined the high prices of vaccines, and the importance of systems of infection prevention and control. Continue reading -> NCD Alliance Event: Time For Action Against Noncommunicable Diseases 24/05/2017 Elise De Geyter It might be said it is a “golden moment” for fighting noncommunicable diseases. There have never been as many side events on noncommunicable diseases during the World Health Assembly as this year, according to speakers at an event of the NCD Alliance this week. Continue reading -> Speculation Rampant In Leadup To WHO Director General Election Today 23/05/2017 William New Speculation in the hallways of United Nations headquarters in Geneva was rampant in the days and hours leading up to this afternoon’s election of a new director general to lead the UN World Health Organization, but solid information about who will win was hard to come by. The outcome after a series votes is expected sometime tonight. Update! According to sources, the first round of voting is over. Results: Tedros 95, Nabarro 52, Nishtar 38. Second round update! Tedros 121, Nabarro 62. Third round underway. Continue reading -> World Health Assembly 70: A Spectator’s Guide To Program/Budget, Election, Polio Transition 22/05/2017 Mara Pillinger The 70th annual World Health Assembly (WHA), now underway in Geneva, is shaping up to be one of the most consequential in memory. With a record-setting nine-day, 76-item agenda, plus dozens of official and unofficial side events, delegates and WHO followers alike will be hard-pressed to keep up. But yesterday’s introductory briefing, hosted by the Global Health Centre at the Graduate Institute, provided an overview of the proceedings and a few pointers on where to look first. Four items, in particular, stand out. Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy
Antimicrobial Resistance: PPPs The Way Forward, Speakers Say 25/05/2017 Catherine Saez With global funding for research and development decreasing, and the growing threat of antimicrobial resistance, ways to incentivise research are seen as key to solving the problem. Speakers at a side event to the World Health Assembly this week presented models of public and private partnerships to address the issue. Continue reading -> Expanding Access To Medicines: What Role For Transparency? 25/05/2017 Mara Pillinger Transparency” and “accountability” are familiar buzzwords. Like salt and pepper, they pop up on nearly every list of ingredients for sound policy and good governance. But, as Ilona Kickbusch and Suerie Moon of the Graduate Institute Global Health Centre in Geneva point out, their details are rarely specified: transparency for what? Accountability to whom? On Tuesday afternoon, those not busy casting a vote for the next World Health Organization director general got the chance to dig into these questions at a panel co-sponsored by the Graduate Institute and FIND. In particular, discussion focused on transparency in terms of public access to two types of information: drug R&D costs and clinical trial data. Continue reading -> Tedros Warms Up To Press In First Meeting, Sees Clear Mandate In “Landslide” Victory 24/05/2017 William New In his first meeting with the United Nations press corps the morning after his historic election as the next director general of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus began to unfold his vision for the organisation and fended off questions about the United States budget by saying WHO has to diversify its funding base. He also signaled a variety of possible issues to come such as increased assessments on governments, and consideration of the recommendations of a recent UN report on access to medicines. Continue reading -> New Draft Decision Seeks To Deepen Analysis On WHO Pandemic Flu Framework 24/05/2017 Catherine Saez A new draft decision submitted this week at the World Health Assembly (WHA) by a group of countries would set out further actions to analyse the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness (PIP) Framework. Continue reading -> Partnership For Healthy Cities To Prevent Noncommunicable Diseases 24/05/2017 Elise De Geyter Noncommunicable diseases, including heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, and chronic respiratory diseases, cause 80 percent of deaths worldwide. Cities play an important role in the prevention of noncommunicable diseases and injuries as around half of the world population lives in urban settings, according to Bloomberg Philanthropies. Continue reading -> Antimicrobial Resistance Needs New R&D Models, NGOs Say 24/05/2017 Catherine Saez A group of non-governmental organisations organised a side event to the World Health Assembly to discuss the growing issue of antimicrobial resistance, the way to incentivise research and development for new antibiotics, and the imperative of affordability and accessibility of new products. The speakers mentioned alternative models, such as delinking the cost of research from the price of the medicines, underlined the high prices of vaccines, and the importance of systems of infection prevention and control. Continue reading -> NCD Alliance Event: Time For Action Against Noncommunicable Diseases 24/05/2017 Elise De Geyter It might be said it is a “golden moment” for fighting noncommunicable diseases. There have never been as many side events on noncommunicable diseases during the World Health Assembly as this year, according to speakers at an event of the NCD Alliance this week. Continue reading -> Speculation Rampant In Leadup To WHO Director General Election Today 23/05/2017 William New Speculation in the hallways of United Nations headquarters in Geneva was rampant in the days and hours leading up to this afternoon’s election of a new director general to lead the UN World Health Organization, but solid information about who will win was hard to come by. The outcome after a series votes is expected sometime tonight. Update! According to sources, the first round of voting is over. Results: Tedros 95, Nabarro 52, Nishtar 38. Second round update! Tedros 121, Nabarro 62. Third round underway. Continue reading -> World Health Assembly 70: A Spectator’s Guide To Program/Budget, Election, Polio Transition 22/05/2017 Mara Pillinger The 70th annual World Health Assembly (WHA), now underway in Geneva, is shaping up to be one of the most consequential in memory. With a record-setting nine-day, 76-item agenda, plus dozens of official and unofficial side events, delegates and WHO followers alike will be hard-pressed to keep up. But yesterday’s introductory briefing, hosted by the Global Health Centre at the Graduate Institute, provided an overview of the proceedings and a few pointers on where to look first. Four items, in particular, stand out. Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy
Expanding Access To Medicines: What Role For Transparency? 25/05/2017 Mara Pillinger Transparency” and “accountability” are familiar buzzwords. Like salt and pepper, they pop up on nearly every list of ingredients for sound policy and good governance. But, as Ilona Kickbusch and Suerie Moon of the Graduate Institute Global Health Centre in Geneva point out, their details are rarely specified: transparency for what? Accountability to whom? On Tuesday afternoon, those not busy casting a vote for the next World Health Organization director general got the chance to dig into these questions at a panel co-sponsored by the Graduate Institute and FIND. In particular, discussion focused on transparency in terms of public access to two types of information: drug R&D costs and clinical trial data. Continue reading -> Tedros Warms Up To Press In First Meeting, Sees Clear Mandate In “Landslide” Victory 24/05/2017 William New In his first meeting with the United Nations press corps the morning after his historic election as the next director general of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus began to unfold his vision for the organisation and fended off questions about the United States budget by saying WHO has to diversify its funding base. He also signaled a variety of possible issues to come such as increased assessments on governments, and consideration of the recommendations of a recent UN report on access to medicines. Continue reading -> New Draft Decision Seeks To Deepen Analysis On WHO Pandemic Flu Framework 24/05/2017 Catherine Saez A new draft decision submitted this week at the World Health Assembly (WHA) by a group of countries would set out further actions to analyse the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness (PIP) Framework. Continue reading -> Partnership For Healthy Cities To Prevent Noncommunicable Diseases 24/05/2017 Elise De Geyter Noncommunicable diseases, including heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, and chronic respiratory diseases, cause 80 percent of deaths worldwide. Cities play an important role in the prevention of noncommunicable diseases and injuries as around half of the world population lives in urban settings, according to Bloomberg Philanthropies. Continue reading -> Antimicrobial Resistance Needs New R&D Models, NGOs Say 24/05/2017 Catherine Saez A group of non-governmental organisations organised a side event to the World Health Assembly to discuss the growing issue of antimicrobial resistance, the way to incentivise research and development for new antibiotics, and the imperative of affordability and accessibility of new products. The speakers mentioned alternative models, such as delinking the cost of research from the price of the medicines, underlined the high prices of vaccines, and the importance of systems of infection prevention and control. Continue reading -> NCD Alliance Event: Time For Action Against Noncommunicable Diseases 24/05/2017 Elise De Geyter It might be said it is a “golden moment” for fighting noncommunicable diseases. There have never been as many side events on noncommunicable diseases during the World Health Assembly as this year, according to speakers at an event of the NCD Alliance this week. Continue reading -> Speculation Rampant In Leadup To WHO Director General Election Today 23/05/2017 William New Speculation in the hallways of United Nations headquarters in Geneva was rampant in the days and hours leading up to this afternoon’s election of a new director general to lead the UN World Health Organization, but solid information about who will win was hard to come by. The outcome after a series votes is expected sometime tonight. Update! According to sources, the first round of voting is over. Results: Tedros 95, Nabarro 52, Nishtar 38. Second round update! Tedros 121, Nabarro 62. Third round underway. Continue reading -> World Health Assembly 70: A Spectator’s Guide To Program/Budget, Election, Polio Transition 22/05/2017 Mara Pillinger The 70th annual World Health Assembly (WHA), now underway in Geneva, is shaping up to be one of the most consequential in memory. With a record-setting nine-day, 76-item agenda, plus dozens of official and unofficial side events, delegates and WHO followers alike will be hard-pressed to keep up. But yesterday’s introductory briefing, hosted by the Global Health Centre at the Graduate Institute, provided an overview of the proceedings and a few pointers on where to look first. Four items, in particular, stand out. Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy
Tedros Warms Up To Press In First Meeting, Sees Clear Mandate In “Landslide” Victory 24/05/2017 William New In his first meeting with the United Nations press corps the morning after his historic election as the next director general of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus began to unfold his vision for the organisation and fended off questions about the United States budget by saying WHO has to diversify its funding base. He also signaled a variety of possible issues to come such as increased assessments on governments, and consideration of the recommendations of a recent UN report on access to medicines. Continue reading -> New Draft Decision Seeks To Deepen Analysis On WHO Pandemic Flu Framework 24/05/2017 Catherine Saez A new draft decision submitted this week at the World Health Assembly (WHA) by a group of countries would set out further actions to analyse the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness (PIP) Framework. Continue reading -> Partnership For Healthy Cities To Prevent Noncommunicable Diseases 24/05/2017 Elise De Geyter Noncommunicable diseases, including heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, and chronic respiratory diseases, cause 80 percent of deaths worldwide. Cities play an important role in the prevention of noncommunicable diseases and injuries as around half of the world population lives in urban settings, according to Bloomberg Philanthropies. Continue reading -> Antimicrobial Resistance Needs New R&D Models, NGOs Say 24/05/2017 Catherine Saez A group of non-governmental organisations organised a side event to the World Health Assembly to discuss the growing issue of antimicrobial resistance, the way to incentivise research and development for new antibiotics, and the imperative of affordability and accessibility of new products. The speakers mentioned alternative models, such as delinking the cost of research from the price of the medicines, underlined the high prices of vaccines, and the importance of systems of infection prevention and control. Continue reading -> NCD Alliance Event: Time For Action Against Noncommunicable Diseases 24/05/2017 Elise De Geyter It might be said it is a “golden moment” for fighting noncommunicable diseases. There have never been as many side events on noncommunicable diseases during the World Health Assembly as this year, according to speakers at an event of the NCD Alliance this week. Continue reading -> Speculation Rampant In Leadup To WHO Director General Election Today 23/05/2017 William New Speculation in the hallways of United Nations headquarters in Geneva was rampant in the days and hours leading up to this afternoon’s election of a new director general to lead the UN World Health Organization, but solid information about who will win was hard to come by. The outcome after a series votes is expected sometime tonight. Update! According to sources, the first round of voting is over. Results: Tedros 95, Nabarro 52, Nishtar 38. Second round update! Tedros 121, Nabarro 62. Third round underway. Continue reading -> World Health Assembly 70: A Spectator’s Guide To Program/Budget, Election, Polio Transition 22/05/2017 Mara Pillinger The 70th annual World Health Assembly (WHA), now underway in Geneva, is shaping up to be one of the most consequential in memory. With a record-setting nine-day, 76-item agenda, plus dozens of official and unofficial side events, delegates and WHO followers alike will be hard-pressed to keep up. But yesterday’s introductory briefing, hosted by the Global Health Centre at the Graduate Institute, provided an overview of the proceedings and a few pointers on where to look first. Four items, in particular, stand out. Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy
New Draft Decision Seeks To Deepen Analysis On WHO Pandemic Flu Framework 24/05/2017 Catherine Saez A new draft decision submitted this week at the World Health Assembly (WHA) by a group of countries would set out further actions to analyse the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness (PIP) Framework. Continue reading -> Partnership For Healthy Cities To Prevent Noncommunicable Diseases 24/05/2017 Elise De Geyter Noncommunicable diseases, including heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, and chronic respiratory diseases, cause 80 percent of deaths worldwide. Cities play an important role in the prevention of noncommunicable diseases and injuries as around half of the world population lives in urban settings, according to Bloomberg Philanthropies. Continue reading -> Antimicrobial Resistance Needs New R&D Models, NGOs Say 24/05/2017 Catherine Saez A group of non-governmental organisations organised a side event to the World Health Assembly to discuss the growing issue of antimicrobial resistance, the way to incentivise research and development for new antibiotics, and the imperative of affordability and accessibility of new products. The speakers mentioned alternative models, such as delinking the cost of research from the price of the medicines, underlined the high prices of vaccines, and the importance of systems of infection prevention and control. Continue reading -> NCD Alliance Event: Time For Action Against Noncommunicable Diseases 24/05/2017 Elise De Geyter It might be said it is a “golden moment” for fighting noncommunicable diseases. There have never been as many side events on noncommunicable diseases during the World Health Assembly as this year, according to speakers at an event of the NCD Alliance this week. Continue reading -> Speculation Rampant In Leadup To WHO Director General Election Today 23/05/2017 William New Speculation in the hallways of United Nations headquarters in Geneva was rampant in the days and hours leading up to this afternoon’s election of a new director general to lead the UN World Health Organization, but solid information about who will win was hard to come by. The outcome after a series votes is expected sometime tonight. Update! According to sources, the first round of voting is over. Results: Tedros 95, Nabarro 52, Nishtar 38. Second round update! Tedros 121, Nabarro 62. Third round underway. Continue reading -> World Health Assembly 70: A Spectator’s Guide To Program/Budget, Election, Polio Transition 22/05/2017 Mara Pillinger The 70th annual World Health Assembly (WHA), now underway in Geneva, is shaping up to be one of the most consequential in memory. With a record-setting nine-day, 76-item agenda, plus dozens of official and unofficial side events, delegates and WHO followers alike will be hard-pressed to keep up. But yesterday’s introductory briefing, hosted by the Global Health Centre at the Graduate Institute, provided an overview of the proceedings and a few pointers on where to look first. Four items, in particular, stand out. Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy
Partnership For Healthy Cities To Prevent Noncommunicable Diseases 24/05/2017 Elise De Geyter Noncommunicable diseases, including heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, and chronic respiratory diseases, cause 80 percent of deaths worldwide. Cities play an important role in the prevention of noncommunicable diseases and injuries as around half of the world population lives in urban settings, according to Bloomberg Philanthropies. Continue reading -> Antimicrobial Resistance Needs New R&D Models, NGOs Say 24/05/2017 Catherine Saez A group of non-governmental organisations organised a side event to the World Health Assembly to discuss the growing issue of antimicrobial resistance, the way to incentivise research and development for new antibiotics, and the imperative of affordability and accessibility of new products. The speakers mentioned alternative models, such as delinking the cost of research from the price of the medicines, underlined the high prices of vaccines, and the importance of systems of infection prevention and control. Continue reading -> NCD Alliance Event: Time For Action Against Noncommunicable Diseases 24/05/2017 Elise De Geyter It might be said it is a “golden moment” for fighting noncommunicable diseases. There have never been as many side events on noncommunicable diseases during the World Health Assembly as this year, according to speakers at an event of the NCD Alliance this week. Continue reading -> Speculation Rampant In Leadup To WHO Director General Election Today 23/05/2017 William New Speculation in the hallways of United Nations headquarters in Geneva was rampant in the days and hours leading up to this afternoon’s election of a new director general to lead the UN World Health Organization, but solid information about who will win was hard to come by. The outcome after a series votes is expected sometime tonight. Update! According to sources, the first round of voting is over. Results: Tedros 95, Nabarro 52, Nishtar 38. Second round update! Tedros 121, Nabarro 62. Third round underway. Continue reading -> World Health Assembly 70: A Spectator’s Guide To Program/Budget, Election, Polio Transition 22/05/2017 Mara Pillinger The 70th annual World Health Assembly (WHA), now underway in Geneva, is shaping up to be one of the most consequential in memory. With a record-setting nine-day, 76-item agenda, plus dozens of official and unofficial side events, delegates and WHO followers alike will be hard-pressed to keep up. But yesterday’s introductory briefing, hosted by the Global Health Centre at the Graduate Institute, provided an overview of the proceedings and a few pointers on where to look first. Four items, in particular, stand out. Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy
Antimicrobial Resistance Needs New R&D Models, NGOs Say 24/05/2017 Catherine Saez A group of non-governmental organisations organised a side event to the World Health Assembly to discuss the growing issue of antimicrobial resistance, the way to incentivise research and development for new antibiotics, and the imperative of affordability and accessibility of new products. The speakers mentioned alternative models, such as delinking the cost of research from the price of the medicines, underlined the high prices of vaccines, and the importance of systems of infection prevention and control. Continue reading -> NCD Alliance Event: Time For Action Against Noncommunicable Diseases 24/05/2017 Elise De Geyter It might be said it is a “golden moment” for fighting noncommunicable diseases. There have never been as many side events on noncommunicable diseases during the World Health Assembly as this year, according to speakers at an event of the NCD Alliance this week. Continue reading -> Speculation Rampant In Leadup To WHO Director General Election Today 23/05/2017 William New Speculation in the hallways of United Nations headquarters in Geneva was rampant in the days and hours leading up to this afternoon’s election of a new director general to lead the UN World Health Organization, but solid information about who will win was hard to come by. The outcome after a series votes is expected sometime tonight. Update! According to sources, the first round of voting is over. Results: Tedros 95, Nabarro 52, Nishtar 38. Second round update! Tedros 121, Nabarro 62. Third round underway. Continue reading -> World Health Assembly 70: A Spectator’s Guide To Program/Budget, Election, Polio Transition 22/05/2017 Mara Pillinger The 70th annual World Health Assembly (WHA), now underway in Geneva, is shaping up to be one of the most consequential in memory. With a record-setting nine-day, 76-item agenda, plus dozens of official and unofficial side events, delegates and WHO followers alike will be hard-pressed to keep up. But yesterday’s introductory briefing, hosted by the Global Health Centre at the Graduate Institute, provided an overview of the proceedings and a few pointers on where to look first. Four items, in particular, stand out. Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy
NCD Alliance Event: Time For Action Against Noncommunicable Diseases 24/05/2017 Elise De Geyter It might be said it is a “golden moment” for fighting noncommunicable diseases. There have never been as many side events on noncommunicable diseases during the World Health Assembly as this year, according to speakers at an event of the NCD Alliance this week. Continue reading -> Speculation Rampant In Leadup To WHO Director General Election Today 23/05/2017 William New Speculation in the hallways of United Nations headquarters in Geneva was rampant in the days and hours leading up to this afternoon’s election of a new director general to lead the UN World Health Organization, but solid information about who will win was hard to come by. The outcome after a series votes is expected sometime tonight. Update! According to sources, the first round of voting is over. Results: Tedros 95, Nabarro 52, Nishtar 38. Second round update! Tedros 121, Nabarro 62. Third round underway. Continue reading -> World Health Assembly 70: A Spectator’s Guide To Program/Budget, Election, Polio Transition 22/05/2017 Mara Pillinger The 70th annual World Health Assembly (WHA), now underway in Geneva, is shaping up to be one of the most consequential in memory. With a record-setting nine-day, 76-item agenda, plus dozens of official and unofficial side events, delegates and WHO followers alike will be hard-pressed to keep up. But yesterday’s introductory briefing, hosted by the Global Health Centre at the Graduate Institute, provided an overview of the proceedings and a few pointers on where to look first. Four items, in particular, stand out. Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy
Speculation Rampant In Leadup To WHO Director General Election Today 23/05/2017 William New Speculation in the hallways of United Nations headquarters in Geneva was rampant in the days and hours leading up to this afternoon’s election of a new director general to lead the UN World Health Organization, but solid information about who will win was hard to come by. The outcome after a series votes is expected sometime tonight. Update! According to sources, the first round of voting is over. Results: Tedros 95, Nabarro 52, Nishtar 38. Second round update! Tedros 121, Nabarro 62. Third round underway. Continue reading -> World Health Assembly 70: A Spectator’s Guide To Program/Budget, Election, Polio Transition 22/05/2017 Mara Pillinger The 70th annual World Health Assembly (WHA), now underway in Geneva, is shaping up to be one of the most consequential in memory. With a record-setting nine-day, 76-item agenda, plus dozens of official and unofficial side events, delegates and WHO followers alike will be hard-pressed to keep up. But yesterday’s introductory briefing, hosted by the Global Health Centre at the Graduate Institute, provided an overview of the proceedings and a few pointers on where to look first. Four items, in particular, stand out. Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy
World Health Assembly 70: A Spectator’s Guide To Program/Budget, Election, Polio Transition 22/05/2017 Mara Pillinger The 70th annual World Health Assembly (WHA), now underway in Geneva, is shaping up to be one of the most consequential in memory. With a record-setting nine-day, 76-item agenda, plus dozens of official and unofficial side events, delegates and WHO followers alike will be hard-pressed to keep up. But yesterday’s introductory briefing, hosted by the Global Health Centre at the Graduate Institute, provided an overview of the proceedings and a few pointers on where to look first. Four items, in particular, stand out. Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts