WHO Proposes New Mode Of Engaging With Non-State Actors 28/01/2021 Esther Nakkazi The World Health Organization (WHO) aims to make its engagement with non-state actors (non-state actors) more meaningful and efficient with a new proposal to establish a number of NSA fora that would allow exchange with WHO and member state representatives outside of official meetings. The new proposal — which will be tested during the 74th […] Continue reading -> WHO Members Mixed On Evaluation Of Director General Election Process 07/06/2017 Elise De Geyter The opinions of the World Health Organization member states on the just-completed election process for a WHO director general showed divisions, according to statements at last week’s meeting of the WHO Executive Board. Continue reading -> Industry, NGOs On Staff At WHO? Beware Of Revolving Doors, Some Say 06/06/2017 Catherine Saez The agreement found last year after months of intense discussion to avert the possibility of undue influence by outside actors at the World Health Organization is yet to be fully implemented. The World Health Assembly last week looked at progress and the process by which the WHO can temporarily welcome on its staff individuals from the private sector, civil society, philanthropic foundations, and academic institutions. Some countries questioned principles in this process but were told by the WHO that their comments would merely be recorded. Continue reading -> World Health Assembly Adopts Resolution Supporting Tax On Tobacco, Alcohol, Sugar 02/06/2017 Catherine Saez Cancer, diabetes, heart disease and chronic respiratory diseases are killing millions of people each year, making noncommunicable diseases the leading global cause of human deaths, many of them premature. This week, the World Health Assembly endorsed an updated set of policy options for countries to help them with the prevention and control of those diseases. On the list is a suggestion for tax increases on tobacco products and alcoholic beverages, and the reduction of salt intake. Supported by many countries, it was resisted by the United States and Italy. Continue reading -> A Summary Of Key IP-Related Actions Taken By The 70th World Health Assembly 31/05/2017 Catherine Saez After what was described as the biggest World Health Assembly ever, with the highest number of agenda items and the highest attendance, it seemed that all’s well that ends well at the closing ceremony earlier today. A notable fact during this assembly has been the rising volume of voices from developing countries, joined by developed countries on issues related to access to affordable, safe, and efficacious medicines. Resolutions and decisions were adopted, many with hopes of better addressing challenges such as antimicrobial resistance, cancer, substandard and falsified medical products, medicines access and shortages and more. Continue reading -> WHO Asked To Square Its Position On Herbicide; EU Evaluation Seen As Flawed 31/05/2017 Catherine Saez Does glyphosate, better known under its brand name RoundUp, increase the risk of cancer in humans, or not? Yesterday, some World Health Organization members, while hailing a draft resolution on cancer later adopted, underlined a lack of coordination on glysophate between the WHO and its agency for cancer research. Separately, a renowned scientist sent a letter to European Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, saying the evaluations on the herbicide are flawed, and should be done again to safeguard public health. Continue reading -> Challenges Remain For Worldwide Immunization By Vaccination 30/05/2017 Elise De Geyter Even though important milestones in the elimination of rubella and measles have been achieved worldwide, key challenges remain, presenters said during a technical briefing organised by the World Health Organization last week. Continue reading -> World Health Assembly Adopts Resolution To Fight Sepsis; Antimicrobial Resistance Major Threat 26/05/2017 Catherine Saez Antimicrobial resistance is a growing health concern as was acknowledged by countries at the World Health Assembly this week, and a resolution was adopted to fight sepsis, which is a life-threatening blood stream infection for which there is growing resistance. Continue reading -> Will The Money Keep Rolling?: Innovative Global Health Financing And Governance 26/05/2017 Mara Pillinger We are in a liminal moment for global health financing. The “golden age” of increasing donor funding is clearly over, arrested by the 2008 financial crisis. But while donor contributions are no longer climbing, they have not been falling, either. And it is possible this status quo will hold… But it’s equally possible that this is just the pause before the roller-coaster drops. Considering that Gavi, the Global Fund, and the World Bank will all be launching another replenishment round in 2019—and given the uncertainty surrounding US foreign aid commitments and post-polio financing—that drop may prove very steep indeed. Continue reading -> Decision On Pandemic Flu Framework At WHA: Look Closer At Changes 26/05/2017 Catherine Saez A committee at the World Health Assembly yesterday decided to seek a closer look at consequences of potential changes to the WHO framework on pandemic influenza. The decision, still to be confirmed by the World Health Assembly, requires in-depth analysis of how to handle pandemic flu viruses under the framework, whether the framework should cover seasonal influenza, and whether the framework should become a specialised international instrument on access and benefit-sharing. Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy
WHO Members Mixed On Evaluation Of Director General Election Process 07/06/2017 Elise De Geyter The opinions of the World Health Organization member states on the just-completed election process for a WHO director general showed divisions, according to statements at last week’s meeting of the WHO Executive Board. Continue reading -> Industry, NGOs On Staff At WHO? Beware Of Revolving Doors, Some Say 06/06/2017 Catherine Saez The agreement found last year after months of intense discussion to avert the possibility of undue influence by outside actors at the World Health Organization is yet to be fully implemented. The World Health Assembly last week looked at progress and the process by which the WHO can temporarily welcome on its staff individuals from the private sector, civil society, philanthropic foundations, and academic institutions. Some countries questioned principles in this process but were told by the WHO that their comments would merely be recorded. Continue reading -> World Health Assembly Adopts Resolution Supporting Tax On Tobacco, Alcohol, Sugar 02/06/2017 Catherine Saez Cancer, diabetes, heart disease and chronic respiratory diseases are killing millions of people each year, making noncommunicable diseases the leading global cause of human deaths, many of them premature. This week, the World Health Assembly endorsed an updated set of policy options for countries to help them with the prevention and control of those diseases. On the list is a suggestion for tax increases on tobacco products and alcoholic beverages, and the reduction of salt intake. Supported by many countries, it was resisted by the United States and Italy. Continue reading -> A Summary Of Key IP-Related Actions Taken By The 70th World Health Assembly 31/05/2017 Catherine Saez After what was described as the biggest World Health Assembly ever, with the highest number of agenda items and the highest attendance, it seemed that all’s well that ends well at the closing ceremony earlier today. A notable fact during this assembly has been the rising volume of voices from developing countries, joined by developed countries on issues related to access to affordable, safe, and efficacious medicines. Resolutions and decisions were adopted, many with hopes of better addressing challenges such as antimicrobial resistance, cancer, substandard and falsified medical products, medicines access and shortages and more. Continue reading -> WHO Asked To Square Its Position On Herbicide; EU Evaluation Seen As Flawed 31/05/2017 Catherine Saez Does glyphosate, better known under its brand name RoundUp, increase the risk of cancer in humans, or not? Yesterday, some World Health Organization members, while hailing a draft resolution on cancer later adopted, underlined a lack of coordination on glysophate between the WHO and its agency for cancer research. Separately, a renowned scientist sent a letter to European Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, saying the evaluations on the herbicide are flawed, and should be done again to safeguard public health. Continue reading -> Challenges Remain For Worldwide Immunization By Vaccination 30/05/2017 Elise De Geyter Even though important milestones in the elimination of rubella and measles have been achieved worldwide, key challenges remain, presenters said during a technical briefing organised by the World Health Organization last week. Continue reading -> World Health Assembly Adopts Resolution To Fight Sepsis; Antimicrobial Resistance Major Threat 26/05/2017 Catherine Saez Antimicrobial resistance is a growing health concern as was acknowledged by countries at the World Health Assembly this week, and a resolution was adopted to fight sepsis, which is a life-threatening blood stream infection for which there is growing resistance. Continue reading -> Will The Money Keep Rolling?: Innovative Global Health Financing And Governance 26/05/2017 Mara Pillinger We are in a liminal moment for global health financing. The “golden age” of increasing donor funding is clearly over, arrested by the 2008 financial crisis. But while donor contributions are no longer climbing, they have not been falling, either. And it is possible this status quo will hold… But it’s equally possible that this is just the pause before the roller-coaster drops. Considering that Gavi, the Global Fund, and the World Bank will all be launching another replenishment round in 2019—and given the uncertainty surrounding US foreign aid commitments and post-polio financing—that drop may prove very steep indeed. Continue reading -> Decision On Pandemic Flu Framework At WHA: Look Closer At Changes 26/05/2017 Catherine Saez A committee at the World Health Assembly yesterday decided to seek a closer look at consequences of potential changes to the WHO framework on pandemic influenza. The decision, still to be confirmed by the World Health Assembly, requires in-depth analysis of how to handle pandemic flu viruses under the framework, whether the framework should cover seasonal influenza, and whether the framework should become a specialised international instrument on access and benefit-sharing. Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy
Industry, NGOs On Staff At WHO? Beware Of Revolving Doors, Some Say 06/06/2017 Catherine Saez The agreement found last year after months of intense discussion to avert the possibility of undue influence by outside actors at the World Health Organization is yet to be fully implemented. The World Health Assembly last week looked at progress and the process by which the WHO can temporarily welcome on its staff individuals from the private sector, civil society, philanthropic foundations, and academic institutions. Some countries questioned principles in this process but were told by the WHO that their comments would merely be recorded. Continue reading -> World Health Assembly Adopts Resolution Supporting Tax On Tobacco, Alcohol, Sugar 02/06/2017 Catherine Saez Cancer, diabetes, heart disease and chronic respiratory diseases are killing millions of people each year, making noncommunicable diseases the leading global cause of human deaths, many of them premature. This week, the World Health Assembly endorsed an updated set of policy options for countries to help them with the prevention and control of those diseases. On the list is a suggestion for tax increases on tobacco products and alcoholic beverages, and the reduction of salt intake. Supported by many countries, it was resisted by the United States and Italy. Continue reading -> A Summary Of Key IP-Related Actions Taken By The 70th World Health Assembly 31/05/2017 Catherine Saez After what was described as the biggest World Health Assembly ever, with the highest number of agenda items and the highest attendance, it seemed that all’s well that ends well at the closing ceremony earlier today. A notable fact during this assembly has been the rising volume of voices from developing countries, joined by developed countries on issues related to access to affordable, safe, and efficacious medicines. Resolutions and decisions were adopted, many with hopes of better addressing challenges such as antimicrobial resistance, cancer, substandard and falsified medical products, medicines access and shortages and more. Continue reading -> WHO Asked To Square Its Position On Herbicide; EU Evaluation Seen As Flawed 31/05/2017 Catherine Saez Does glyphosate, better known under its brand name RoundUp, increase the risk of cancer in humans, or not? Yesterday, some World Health Organization members, while hailing a draft resolution on cancer later adopted, underlined a lack of coordination on glysophate between the WHO and its agency for cancer research. Separately, a renowned scientist sent a letter to European Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, saying the evaluations on the herbicide are flawed, and should be done again to safeguard public health. Continue reading -> Challenges Remain For Worldwide Immunization By Vaccination 30/05/2017 Elise De Geyter Even though important milestones in the elimination of rubella and measles have been achieved worldwide, key challenges remain, presenters said during a technical briefing organised by the World Health Organization last week. Continue reading -> World Health Assembly Adopts Resolution To Fight Sepsis; Antimicrobial Resistance Major Threat 26/05/2017 Catherine Saez Antimicrobial resistance is a growing health concern as was acknowledged by countries at the World Health Assembly this week, and a resolution was adopted to fight sepsis, which is a life-threatening blood stream infection for which there is growing resistance. Continue reading -> Will The Money Keep Rolling?: Innovative Global Health Financing And Governance 26/05/2017 Mara Pillinger We are in a liminal moment for global health financing. The “golden age” of increasing donor funding is clearly over, arrested by the 2008 financial crisis. But while donor contributions are no longer climbing, they have not been falling, either. And it is possible this status quo will hold… But it’s equally possible that this is just the pause before the roller-coaster drops. Considering that Gavi, the Global Fund, and the World Bank will all be launching another replenishment round in 2019—and given the uncertainty surrounding US foreign aid commitments and post-polio financing—that drop may prove very steep indeed. Continue reading -> Decision On Pandemic Flu Framework At WHA: Look Closer At Changes 26/05/2017 Catherine Saez A committee at the World Health Assembly yesterday decided to seek a closer look at consequences of potential changes to the WHO framework on pandemic influenza. The decision, still to be confirmed by the World Health Assembly, requires in-depth analysis of how to handle pandemic flu viruses under the framework, whether the framework should cover seasonal influenza, and whether the framework should become a specialised international instrument on access and benefit-sharing. Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy
World Health Assembly Adopts Resolution Supporting Tax On Tobacco, Alcohol, Sugar 02/06/2017 Catherine Saez Cancer, diabetes, heart disease and chronic respiratory diseases are killing millions of people each year, making noncommunicable diseases the leading global cause of human deaths, many of them premature. This week, the World Health Assembly endorsed an updated set of policy options for countries to help them with the prevention and control of those diseases. On the list is a suggestion for tax increases on tobacco products and alcoholic beverages, and the reduction of salt intake. Supported by many countries, it was resisted by the United States and Italy. Continue reading -> A Summary Of Key IP-Related Actions Taken By The 70th World Health Assembly 31/05/2017 Catherine Saez After what was described as the biggest World Health Assembly ever, with the highest number of agenda items and the highest attendance, it seemed that all’s well that ends well at the closing ceremony earlier today. A notable fact during this assembly has been the rising volume of voices from developing countries, joined by developed countries on issues related to access to affordable, safe, and efficacious medicines. Resolutions and decisions were adopted, many with hopes of better addressing challenges such as antimicrobial resistance, cancer, substandard and falsified medical products, medicines access and shortages and more. Continue reading -> WHO Asked To Square Its Position On Herbicide; EU Evaluation Seen As Flawed 31/05/2017 Catherine Saez Does glyphosate, better known under its brand name RoundUp, increase the risk of cancer in humans, or not? Yesterday, some World Health Organization members, while hailing a draft resolution on cancer later adopted, underlined a lack of coordination on glysophate between the WHO and its agency for cancer research. Separately, a renowned scientist sent a letter to European Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, saying the evaluations on the herbicide are flawed, and should be done again to safeguard public health. Continue reading -> Challenges Remain For Worldwide Immunization By Vaccination 30/05/2017 Elise De Geyter Even though important milestones in the elimination of rubella and measles have been achieved worldwide, key challenges remain, presenters said during a technical briefing organised by the World Health Organization last week. Continue reading -> World Health Assembly Adopts Resolution To Fight Sepsis; Antimicrobial Resistance Major Threat 26/05/2017 Catherine Saez Antimicrobial resistance is a growing health concern as was acknowledged by countries at the World Health Assembly this week, and a resolution was adopted to fight sepsis, which is a life-threatening blood stream infection for which there is growing resistance. Continue reading -> Will The Money Keep Rolling?: Innovative Global Health Financing And Governance 26/05/2017 Mara Pillinger We are in a liminal moment for global health financing. The “golden age” of increasing donor funding is clearly over, arrested by the 2008 financial crisis. But while donor contributions are no longer climbing, they have not been falling, either. And it is possible this status quo will hold… But it’s equally possible that this is just the pause before the roller-coaster drops. Considering that Gavi, the Global Fund, and the World Bank will all be launching another replenishment round in 2019—and given the uncertainty surrounding US foreign aid commitments and post-polio financing—that drop may prove very steep indeed. Continue reading -> Decision On Pandemic Flu Framework At WHA: Look Closer At Changes 26/05/2017 Catherine Saez A committee at the World Health Assembly yesterday decided to seek a closer look at consequences of potential changes to the WHO framework on pandemic influenza. The decision, still to be confirmed by the World Health Assembly, requires in-depth analysis of how to handle pandemic flu viruses under the framework, whether the framework should cover seasonal influenza, and whether the framework should become a specialised international instrument on access and benefit-sharing. Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy
A Summary Of Key IP-Related Actions Taken By The 70th World Health Assembly 31/05/2017 Catherine Saez After what was described as the biggest World Health Assembly ever, with the highest number of agenda items and the highest attendance, it seemed that all’s well that ends well at the closing ceremony earlier today. A notable fact during this assembly has been the rising volume of voices from developing countries, joined by developed countries on issues related to access to affordable, safe, and efficacious medicines. Resolutions and decisions were adopted, many with hopes of better addressing challenges such as antimicrobial resistance, cancer, substandard and falsified medical products, medicines access and shortages and more. Continue reading -> WHO Asked To Square Its Position On Herbicide; EU Evaluation Seen As Flawed 31/05/2017 Catherine Saez Does glyphosate, better known under its brand name RoundUp, increase the risk of cancer in humans, or not? Yesterday, some World Health Organization members, while hailing a draft resolution on cancer later adopted, underlined a lack of coordination on glysophate between the WHO and its agency for cancer research. Separately, a renowned scientist sent a letter to European Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, saying the evaluations on the herbicide are flawed, and should be done again to safeguard public health. Continue reading -> Challenges Remain For Worldwide Immunization By Vaccination 30/05/2017 Elise De Geyter Even though important milestones in the elimination of rubella and measles have been achieved worldwide, key challenges remain, presenters said during a technical briefing organised by the World Health Organization last week. Continue reading -> World Health Assembly Adopts Resolution To Fight Sepsis; Antimicrobial Resistance Major Threat 26/05/2017 Catherine Saez Antimicrobial resistance is a growing health concern as was acknowledged by countries at the World Health Assembly this week, and a resolution was adopted to fight sepsis, which is a life-threatening blood stream infection for which there is growing resistance. Continue reading -> Will The Money Keep Rolling?: Innovative Global Health Financing And Governance 26/05/2017 Mara Pillinger We are in a liminal moment for global health financing. The “golden age” of increasing donor funding is clearly over, arrested by the 2008 financial crisis. But while donor contributions are no longer climbing, they have not been falling, either. And it is possible this status quo will hold… But it’s equally possible that this is just the pause before the roller-coaster drops. Considering that Gavi, the Global Fund, and the World Bank will all be launching another replenishment round in 2019—and given the uncertainty surrounding US foreign aid commitments and post-polio financing—that drop may prove very steep indeed. Continue reading -> Decision On Pandemic Flu Framework At WHA: Look Closer At Changes 26/05/2017 Catherine Saez A committee at the World Health Assembly yesterday decided to seek a closer look at consequences of potential changes to the WHO framework on pandemic influenza. The decision, still to be confirmed by the World Health Assembly, requires in-depth analysis of how to handle pandemic flu viruses under the framework, whether the framework should cover seasonal influenza, and whether the framework should become a specialised international instrument on access and benefit-sharing. Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy
WHO Asked To Square Its Position On Herbicide; EU Evaluation Seen As Flawed 31/05/2017 Catherine Saez Does glyphosate, better known under its brand name RoundUp, increase the risk of cancer in humans, or not? Yesterday, some World Health Organization members, while hailing a draft resolution on cancer later adopted, underlined a lack of coordination on glysophate between the WHO and its agency for cancer research. Separately, a renowned scientist sent a letter to European Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, saying the evaluations on the herbicide are flawed, and should be done again to safeguard public health. Continue reading -> Challenges Remain For Worldwide Immunization By Vaccination 30/05/2017 Elise De Geyter Even though important milestones in the elimination of rubella and measles have been achieved worldwide, key challenges remain, presenters said during a technical briefing organised by the World Health Organization last week. Continue reading -> World Health Assembly Adopts Resolution To Fight Sepsis; Antimicrobial Resistance Major Threat 26/05/2017 Catherine Saez Antimicrobial resistance is a growing health concern as was acknowledged by countries at the World Health Assembly this week, and a resolution was adopted to fight sepsis, which is a life-threatening blood stream infection for which there is growing resistance. Continue reading -> Will The Money Keep Rolling?: Innovative Global Health Financing And Governance 26/05/2017 Mara Pillinger We are in a liminal moment for global health financing. The “golden age” of increasing donor funding is clearly over, arrested by the 2008 financial crisis. But while donor contributions are no longer climbing, they have not been falling, either. And it is possible this status quo will hold… But it’s equally possible that this is just the pause before the roller-coaster drops. Considering that Gavi, the Global Fund, and the World Bank will all be launching another replenishment round in 2019—and given the uncertainty surrounding US foreign aid commitments and post-polio financing—that drop may prove very steep indeed. Continue reading -> Decision On Pandemic Flu Framework At WHA: Look Closer At Changes 26/05/2017 Catherine Saez A committee at the World Health Assembly yesterday decided to seek a closer look at consequences of potential changes to the WHO framework on pandemic influenza. The decision, still to be confirmed by the World Health Assembly, requires in-depth analysis of how to handle pandemic flu viruses under the framework, whether the framework should cover seasonal influenza, and whether the framework should become a specialised international instrument on access and benefit-sharing. Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy
Challenges Remain For Worldwide Immunization By Vaccination 30/05/2017 Elise De Geyter Even though important milestones in the elimination of rubella and measles have been achieved worldwide, key challenges remain, presenters said during a technical briefing organised by the World Health Organization last week. Continue reading -> World Health Assembly Adopts Resolution To Fight Sepsis; Antimicrobial Resistance Major Threat 26/05/2017 Catherine Saez Antimicrobial resistance is a growing health concern as was acknowledged by countries at the World Health Assembly this week, and a resolution was adopted to fight sepsis, which is a life-threatening blood stream infection for which there is growing resistance. Continue reading -> Will The Money Keep Rolling?: Innovative Global Health Financing And Governance 26/05/2017 Mara Pillinger We are in a liminal moment for global health financing. The “golden age” of increasing donor funding is clearly over, arrested by the 2008 financial crisis. But while donor contributions are no longer climbing, they have not been falling, either. And it is possible this status quo will hold… But it’s equally possible that this is just the pause before the roller-coaster drops. Considering that Gavi, the Global Fund, and the World Bank will all be launching another replenishment round in 2019—and given the uncertainty surrounding US foreign aid commitments and post-polio financing—that drop may prove very steep indeed. Continue reading -> Decision On Pandemic Flu Framework At WHA: Look Closer At Changes 26/05/2017 Catherine Saez A committee at the World Health Assembly yesterday decided to seek a closer look at consequences of potential changes to the WHO framework on pandemic influenza. The decision, still to be confirmed by the World Health Assembly, requires in-depth analysis of how to handle pandemic flu viruses under the framework, whether the framework should cover seasonal influenza, and whether the framework should become a specialised international instrument on access and benefit-sharing. Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy
World Health Assembly Adopts Resolution To Fight Sepsis; Antimicrobial Resistance Major Threat 26/05/2017 Catherine Saez Antimicrobial resistance is a growing health concern as was acknowledged by countries at the World Health Assembly this week, and a resolution was adopted to fight sepsis, which is a life-threatening blood stream infection for which there is growing resistance. Continue reading -> Will The Money Keep Rolling?: Innovative Global Health Financing And Governance 26/05/2017 Mara Pillinger We are in a liminal moment for global health financing. The “golden age” of increasing donor funding is clearly over, arrested by the 2008 financial crisis. But while donor contributions are no longer climbing, they have not been falling, either. And it is possible this status quo will hold… But it’s equally possible that this is just the pause before the roller-coaster drops. Considering that Gavi, the Global Fund, and the World Bank will all be launching another replenishment round in 2019—and given the uncertainty surrounding US foreign aid commitments and post-polio financing—that drop may prove very steep indeed. Continue reading -> Decision On Pandemic Flu Framework At WHA: Look Closer At Changes 26/05/2017 Catherine Saez A committee at the World Health Assembly yesterday decided to seek a closer look at consequences of potential changes to the WHO framework on pandemic influenza. The decision, still to be confirmed by the World Health Assembly, requires in-depth analysis of how to handle pandemic flu viruses under the framework, whether the framework should cover seasonal influenza, and whether the framework should become a specialised international instrument on access and benefit-sharing. Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy
Will The Money Keep Rolling?: Innovative Global Health Financing And Governance 26/05/2017 Mara Pillinger We are in a liminal moment for global health financing. The “golden age” of increasing donor funding is clearly over, arrested by the 2008 financial crisis. But while donor contributions are no longer climbing, they have not been falling, either. And it is possible this status quo will hold… But it’s equally possible that this is just the pause before the roller-coaster drops. Considering that Gavi, the Global Fund, and the World Bank will all be launching another replenishment round in 2019—and given the uncertainty surrounding US foreign aid commitments and post-polio financing—that drop may prove very steep indeed. Continue reading -> Decision On Pandemic Flu Framework At WHA: Look Closer At Changes 26/05/2017 Catherine Saez A committee at the World Health Assembly yesterday decided to seek a closer look at consequences of potential changes to the WHO framework on pandemic influenza. The decision, still to be confirmed by the World Health Assembly, requires in-depth analysis of how to handle pandemic flu viruses under the framework, whether the framework should cover seasonal influenza, and whether the framework should become a specialised international instrument on access and benefit-sharing. Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older posts This site uses cookies to help give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to collect information that helps us personalise your experience and improve the functionality and performance of our site. By continuing to read our website, we assume you agree to this, otherwise you can adjust your browser settings. Please read our cookie and Privacy Policy. Our Cookies and Privacy Policy
Decision On Pandemic Flu Framework At WHA: Look Closer At Changes 26/05/2017 Catherine Saez A committee at the World Health Assembly yesterday decided to seek a closer look at consequences of potential changes to the WHO framework on pandemic influenza. The decision, still to be confirmed by the World Health Assembly, requires in-depth analysis of how to handle pandemic flu viruses under the framework, whether the framework should cover seasonal influenza, and whether the framework should become a specialised international instrument on access and benefit-sharing. Continue reading -> Posts navigation Older posts