Poliomyelitis, a highly infectious and sometimes debilitating viral disease, is about to be eradicated from the world. However, the last mile is the hardest, World Health Organization Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said last week at a member state discussion on polio eradication. Beyond the direct eradication of wild polioviruses in the three last endemic countries, and the steady supply of affordable inactivated poliovirus vaccines, the WHO is being called on to help countries keep the virus at bay, and implement a strategy to use polio-related structures to strengthen their national health systems, as polio funding is dwindling. Continue reading ->
The World Health Organization Executive Board is being asked this week to consider a steep budget increase to cover the ambitious new “Transformation Plan” of Director General Tedros Adhanom Gheyebresus, which aims to improve the health of at least 3 billion people by 2025. The 8 percent budget hike requested for 2020-2021 will be reviewed by the Board along with a range of critical policy issues when it meets for its 144th session from 24 January-1 February. Here's what you need to know to follow the action. Continue reading ->
According to the World Health Organization, noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) - or chronic diseases - including cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes, kill 41 million people each year and are on the rise in developing countries. This week, the WHO held the first general meeting of its mechanism aiming at facilitating prevention and control of NCD diseases. The numerous speakers shared local, regional, and international experiences in implementing measures. Separately, WHO announced the launch of a new collaborative platform for NCDs. Continue reading ->
The diminishing arsenal of efficient antibiotics to fight bacteria is a threat denounced by many, but investment in research and development of new antibiotics is seen as lagging. As the danger of getting back to a pre-antibiotic age is increasing, alternative ways of financing new antibiotics are being discussed. At the World Investment Forum this week, a panel looked into innovative means of investment, and ways to attract private investors to this field. Continue reading ->
In an effort to curb antimicrobial resistance and the looming disaster of a defenceless world against bacterial infection, three United Nations organisations have joined forces. The World Health Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, and the World Organization for Animal Health have been tasked to establish a global framework which would encourage the development of new antibiotics and the good management of current ones. This week, WHO member states and stakeholders are meeting to discuss a draft of the framework. Continue reading ->
Cancer is rising and is expected to become the leading cause of global deaths in the 21st century, according to experts from a World Health Organization research agency on cancer. Lung cancer is the most common and the leading cause of cancer deaths, the agency found in its newly published study, the first since 2012. However, political commitment lags behind when it comes to prevention, speakers said at a press briefing at the UN in Geneva today. Continue reading ->
As many voices in Europe are getting louder about the increasing threat of medicines shortages, the European Medicines Agency and the Heads of Medicines Agencies task force on improving the availability of medicines in Europe just released its 2019/2020 work programme. Working groups tasked to tackle specific issues as well as a multi-stakeholder workshop in November are being set up. Continue reading ->
Basic research in health is often conducted by public universities or institutions, and public health activists have underlined the view that because research is funded by public money, medicines should not be so highly priced. A new study by an independent economic research institute shows that the pharmaceutical industry is a substantial partner in research activities and its investment in basic research is growing. The study, however, falls short of providing answers to key questions such as what is included in research and development figures, or what kind of basic research is conducted. Continue reading ->